Just as a Mummy should!


Came in today to find Esther in air still but having quite a few desats.  At 9am Dorota put her back on to oxygen. She started on 0.02 but was soon back down to 0.01.  When the doctor came round this morning he said again that their optimum saturation levels are between 85 and 95, any higher could cause damage to their developing retinas and any lower tells us that they are struggling.  The doctor is still not concerned with the twins’ weight gain, or lack of it.  Everything is to carry on as before.

My schedule is all out for the day today because of doctors and sleepy babies.  Have sadly had to ask Michele not to come and visit else I would not have had chance to express between feeds!  The babies have to come first now.

William tried breastfeeding at his 11 o’clock feed.  He was at the breast for 25 minutes and had just 3mls aspirated from his tummy.  Esther had a very quick go before falling asleep at 1230 but Dorota was not able to aspirate anything.  Bless!  They both work so hard for so little!

Both babies have though gained weight today.  William weighs 4lb 3oz and Esther weighs 3lb 8oz.  I weighed Esther today.  I weighed her 3 times and got a different result each time so from now on, because of this, as long as the general trend of weight is fine I am not going to obsess about losses or gains.

I spoke very informally to Dr Chalmers today.  She was making her lunch in the parents’ kitchen.  She thinks we may be going home in about 3 weeks.  In 2 weeks she is going to come and talk to us about development issues and introduce the babies to ‘tummy time’.  This is very exciting!


Lily May was discharged today.  I will really miss seeing her Mum around.  She left under very emotional circumstances that have made me feel sad and also realise, once again, how lucky we are. 

I love Esther and William.  I cannot bear being parted from them. I just want to take them home and keep them safe forever.  Just as a Mummy should!

Both babies have been stable in air today.  Esther kept high satting in 0 and so I unplugged her at the wall, so once again she is in actual air!

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