I Need Mummy and Daddy

My two and a half year old daughter melted my heart today and made me realise how lucky I am.

David, Daddy, is working away in London this week and the children are really missing him particularly at bath time and bed time. As I was getting Esther into her pyjamas this evening she just kept cuddling me and saying, “I need mummy and daddy.” It was really very sweet.

David and I are a parenting team. We discuss everything and we do as much as we can together. With premature twins and a young baby there is really no other way. We rely on each other, we look out for each other and we are a tight tight tight family unit.

Until today I have always worried that this teamwork means that I am not a very good mum. I need David so much, does this mean that I am not capable of looking after my children on my own?

The truth is though that I am more than capable. I know that now.

The truth is also that I am lucky enough not to have to. I am fortunate enough to have my husband around most of the time.

We stand together on discipline with our children. We eat most meals together. We all have time together every morning and we have special time together before bed.

Daddy is always around when we need him and on a good day he can be around whenever we want him.

Esther’s statement today has made me realise how precious this is and how truly lucky we are.

David is a totally hands on Dad. He gets Esther and William out of bed in the morning whilst I sort out Matilda Mae. We all have breakfast together and read stories or play a game. David will often have Matilda while I do the pre school run or take Esther and William to toddler group or a class. Most of the time we are out she will be sleeping but often she will sit on Daddy’s lap while he works or see what delights she can find in his waste paper bin.

Some times we are all able to have lunch together but mostly we are next all together at tea.

Daddy has tea with the children while I get sorted for bath time and bed time and get everything ready for the following day.

The children love their bath time with Daddy then we all have a snuggle with TV or a story before we go up to bed.

David makes things for the children all of the time. He has made a zoo for their toy animals, a car with two steering wheels and is currently working on an indoor climbing frame with slide and some fantastic cabin style beds.

Daddy is the best at making train tracks and he takes charge when playing outside.

David could easily have the children without me with very little instruction or help. He knows what to feed them and where the food is kept. He might struggle finding clothes for them all. And certainly would not dress them the way that I do. I am not sure what he would pack into the change bag but what does that matter?

I know that when William has flattened Matilda or pinned Esther to the floor that Daddy will be beside me as I take him to time out. I know that if I am cross with Esther for ripping a book, Daddy will come and tell her how sad she has made me. I know that if Esther and William need some special Mummy time then Daddy will hold the baby.

We are a team.

We work together.

We parent together.

And I should be more proud of this than I am because it is a beautiful thing.

And my daughter told me so.

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