Growing a Rainbow: The Final Growth Scan

On Monday 4th August David and I headed to the hospital for our final growth scan

I was 39 weeks pregnant

39 weeks and 5 days

Our last scan had showed that Rainbow Baby was a big baby

A possible giant to be

At 36 weeks she was already estimated to be 7lbs 8oz

At 39 weeks we were expecting her to weigh quite a bit more

However the scan showed that she was probably only about 7lb 13oz

Meaning she had not grown enough in the last 3 weeks

Our Rainbow Baby was failing to thrive

After the scan we saw the Consultant

The plan was to have a membrane sweep

The doctor did not think this was enough though

We were to be booked in for induction of labour asap

We decided not to come back that day

I wanted a night’s sleep

And we all hoped that the sweep might have been enough

To kick start my labour

That evening we packed our bags and packed the car

We told David’s parents to be on high alert

We went to bed

And I had the best night’s sleep I’d had in ages

I felt less pregnant than I had felt in ages

I did not feel like labour or baby were close

I was really worried about being induced

I read some awful stories on the Internet

I was scared of what induction might mean

At 8am we drove to the hospital

Knowing that all being well

The next time we came home

It would be with our Rainbow Baby girl

growing rainbow

6 thoughts on “Growing a Rainbow: The Final Growth Scan

  1. Evie was under at 34 week scan and weighed 8 lb 13 oz ! Can’t wait to read your birth story. I so hope it was a positive experience for you xx

  2. Oooh Gosh, i am really exited and nervous, all at the same time!!

    I just cannot wait to hear your birth news and to know that all is well for you, david and the new babe. It is Sunday nite and i have housework to be getting on with but, you are on my mind and it’s niggling away at me so had to write, sorry to be a pain!

    Take it eezy-breezy,

    All the love in the whole wide world and beyond Jennie.


  3. Pingback: The Evil Eve of Induction | Edspire

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