Enjoy Life Embrace Happy

David and I are struggling at the moment

We will be alright

I know that we will

We love each other more than we ever say


In the 8 years we have been together

We have been through more than most couples do in a life time

We have been to the very bottom

And together we are climbing back up

It is not always easy

People say to us, surely you have had the worst happen to you now

But life does not work like that

At any moment something else might go wrong

And it is very hard not to let our lives be dominated by fear

We battled infertility

We went through five cycles of IVF

Our twins were born three months too soon

They spent 59 days in hospital

Our introduction to parenting was not as we had hoped and dreamed

Just as we thought we were over the worst

Our beautiful baby daughter died

And we were knocked to the bottom again

A far deeper, darker, danker bottom

A place much harder to escape from

I know that there could be worse still to come

What if one of our other children dies too?

What if one of us dies prematurely?

How are we going to cope when our parents die?

What if David loses his business?

What if one of our children gets sick?

It would be so easy to live each day in dread and fear

And some days we do

Some days grief and fear and depression take their hold

And they will not let go

But David and I have something rather special

We have each other

We have our love

And I believe that is what will get us through


And one day I hope and pray

We will be like the couples in this video

Sharing our happiest moments

Picking out the bright shining lights from the dark

I want to grow old with David

I want us to see our children grow

I want to still be remembering and honouring Tilda when we are 100

I want us to live our lives and make her proud


There is a tag on Facebook at the moment

Where you are asked to look back through old photos

And my photos show some of my happiest times

And who features in them all


And our children


David and I are struggling at the moment

We will be alright

I know that we will

We love each other more than we ever say

And our children raise us up

Inspire us

Make us determined to carry on

And show them the way

Show them to enjoy life

Embrace life

Embrace happy

Not every day is good but there is good in every day

This post contains a sponsored video link

8 thoughts on “Enjoy Life Embrace Happy

  1. So beautiful Jennie. You will be fine. You are taking such positive step. These pictures are gorgeous. Treasure them, look at them with David and tell him how much you love him.

    Much love to you all always.
    Karin xx

  2. When you have been through what you two have been through, you must be invincible. You must love each other very much, so many couples would not have made it this far but you have. You’ll definitely grow old together x

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