Summer Breastfeeding Top Tips

Over the last few days

I have been offering Bea some formula in a cup

She looks at me as if I am crazy

She drinks water

Through a straw

From a sippy cup

From plant pots

But she will not take milk

And so we continue

Breastfeeding on demand

And boy is Bea demanding!

If I lean over her in the bath

She pulls my top down and latches on

In the swimming pool

She pulls my costume down

And latches on

It does not matter where we are

Or what we are doing

She just clambers on

Assumes the position

And feeds

Mostly I find it funny and cute

But it is also utterly exhausting

Particularly in the extreme heat of summer

Today has been unbearably hot

So on top of my tips for keeping cool in a heatwave

Comes a post about feeding through the heat of the summer

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Keep Cool
Do all you can to not get hot and flustered. When the weather hots up and especially when it is humid limit what you do. Take the days slowly, wear loose cotton clothing, eat little and often, drink well to stay hydrated. When the sun is shining the temptation is to get out there and enjoy it but in extreme temperatures it can be easier, safer and more comfortable for you and your baby to stay indoors.

Stay Hydrated
As the temperatures soar your baby will want to feed more. To help your body cope with increased feeds and to ensure you stay hydrated you will need to drink more. Drink plenty of water, add some fresh fruit for flavour. Drink sugar free squash and fresh smoothies. Try to avoid hot drinks that will make you feel even hotter.

Eat Little and Often
Often we do not feel like heating when we are really hot and feeling tired. Cooking is out of the question when the temperatures are abnormally high. I love to snack on fruit and raw vegetables. Favourites in summer are watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, oranges, grapes, cucumber, tomatoes. These are also all great foods for older babies who are starting on solid foods. Bea loves gnawing on chunks of melon and Esther and William can demolish a large bunch of grapes in seconds. I try to make sure I eat whenever they do.

Avoid Getting Stuck
If you are hot and sweaty use a muslin cloth to put a thin, breathable layer between your skin and baby’s to avoid a pool of sweat forming and/or your skin sticking together. A damp cloth is good to use to cool hot skin. Try to feed in a cool, shady place.


Hot Fuss
Hot weather can be horrible and make the best of us grumpy. Your baby may seem fussier than usual and this may affect her appetite. Baby may be hungry but too hot and uncomfortable to feed. Find a calm, quiet and cool place to sit or lie with your little one and offer them a feed. Babies under 6 months who are exclusively breastfed should not be given water to drink. Breast milk is 80% water and offers all the nutrition and hydration a small baby needs. Formula fed babies can be offered cooled boiled water in hot weather. As Bea is older and weaning she has a sippy cup of water that she helps herself to throughout the day. Through a heatwave offer your baby extra drinks or breastfeeds to keep them cool and hydrated.

These are my tips for feeding through the heat of the summer.

What top tips would you add?

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