Dear Baby That Might Have Been (written 26th June 2016)

Dear Baby That Might Have Been

As always I was aware of the day I should have bled

Friday 24th June

No blood came

Cramps I think

Discharge perhaps

I was symptom spotting

Knicker checking

But why?

We are not really trying

We are not, not trying

But we are not really trying

And yet here I am

No blood

A flicker of excitement

A heartbeat of hope

Saturday 25th June

I tell myself I will wait a few days

Before I test

As I buy the tests

And head to the nearest loo

At first I think the test is negative

But with a closer look

I am certain I see

The faintest vertical line

I am sure it cannot be

I keep looking and looking

Before throwing the stick away

I am late

There are many reasons I may be late

But I can only focus on one

A baby

Am I growing a baby?

I think the likelihood

If I am pregnant

Is that perhaps like the line

The pregnancy is not very strong

I fear it may be ectopic

I am a geriatric mother after all

Or perhaps I did conceive

But am about to miscarry

Already am miscarrying

I know that has happened before

And yet

Though I am certain the test is negative

Am not really trying for a baby

Have fears about the chance of a pregnancy’s success

In spite of all this

I work out your due date

The age difference between your siblings and you

I begin to wonder

And question

And hope and dream

Because that is what mummies do

I begin to Google

Faint positives on pregnancy tests

I decide that I will test again

In three days

If I am not bleeding

Sunday 26th June

We all wake up late

After a wonderful night at a family wedding

Really late


I cannot remember the last time I slept so long

I wake up

Go downstairs for my morning wee

And take the stick with me

Still no blood

I will just see

The result is the same again

A strong horizontal line

And a pale perhaps vertical line

Today I show David he sees it too

But neither of us are certain that it means anything

It is not enough of a line to know

It is not really enough to wonder

I am back to thinking

This might have been a possibility

Showing us if we want to then maybe we can

A sign

Dear Baby That Might Have Been

I feel sad


Why do I always do


The slightest sniff of a baby

And I am planning

Running away with wild hopes and dreams

Though we are not really trying

It still hurts to say goodbye


Dear Baby That Might Have Been

BABY LOSS candle_flame


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