Sprinkle of Stardust: Fighting a Sickness Bug in Pregnancy

Ah I am having such a wonderful pregnancy so far!

I think my immune system must be on the floor

As I am picking up bug after infection after injury

It seems to be a vicious cycle

One that I need to break

Two weeks ago now

I lost 24 hours to a horrible stomach bug

Passed on to me

By ever generous Bea

I was so sick

And had such an upset tummy

That I could not stomach water at first

Let alone food

I was so worried

For me and for baby

Our precious little Sprinkle of Stardust

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David and his Mum were brilliant

At taking over the house and the children

Allowing me to rest and get better

These are some of the tips I followed

To get through and recover from

The sickness bug

Get plenty of rest, as you will almost certainly feel drained of energy.
Drink as much water or clear fluid as you can manage. If you are finding it hard even to keep water down, take tiny sips through a straw. If you have the appetite for them, try juices and soups, too.
Eat as soon as your appetite returns. Try small, light meals, including carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. It’s best not to have rich or spicy foods.
Have a probiotic yoghurt or drink daily to help your digestive system get back to normal.
Allow yourself plenty of time to recover.

If you do have diarrhoea and vomiting, don’t panic.
Make sure you rest as much as possible.
Drink plenty of water through the day.
Eat small, light meals if you are hungry and it doesn’t make you feel sick. If you are not hungry, you do not have to eat for 24 hours so long as you drink plenty of fluid.
Wash your hands before and after going to the toilet and after vomiting.
If the diarrhoea does not go away within 48 hours, see your GP.

The main message seems to be to rest, stay hydrated and eat as soon as you can

And don’t panic!

Babies are often tougher than we think

And in most cases baby will be okay

During and after a stomach bug

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