Bloggers Q&A Meme

Lovely Lady Lou at Bloggomy has tagged me in the Bloggers Q&A Meme. 11 questions have been asked and here I will do my best to answer them.

1) What did you want to be as a child when you grew up?
I always wanted to be an actress. I still do if I am an honest though I think my chances are now past. I have loved being on the stage since I first started performing when I was about 5. I have always been a member of a theatre group until the Squidgers came along and I studied drama at school. As a teacher I took great delight in directing infant nativities and whole school productions but I do miss treading the boards myself. I love to sing too. I think that one day I will start up a children’s theatre group especially if I do not return to teaching. And I hope that one day I will get back on the stage myself.

2) Can you bend forward and touch your toes with your legs straight (I can!!)
Yes I can, even at 29 weeks pregnant!

3) What is your most annoying habit?
I think that my husband would say it is complaining about things but not doing anything about them. For example, I get in a grump if our house is a mess but I do not like to be the one that has to clean it. I can see why I am annoying in that way. It is something that I really want to change about myself – either make more of an effort to be tidy or stop complaining about the mess!

4) What habit would you change of your partners? (come on no-one is perfect!)
I wish that David was tidier. It is a fault we share being messy, untidy. But mess does not bother David and so it just builds and builds and builds. He is good at tidying when asked and has improved vastly actually since the children came along. I think this is something we can work on together.

5) Horrors or Chick Flicks?
Definitely Chick Flicks! I am not into Horror movies at all. I do not like to be scared. I like the old girly moves one of my favourites being Mystic Pizza!

6) What is the most outrageous thing you have done in the back row of the movies?
This is very sad but I am not sure that I have ver sat in the back row of a cinema. I did used to sit on the back seat of my school bus though, once I had worked my way through the ranks of course!

7) If you had the house childfree what is the first thing you and your partner would do (we would lock the doors – only joking!)
I think we would do all the jobs we cannot do with two toddlers with us like sorting out our bedroom and making the most of their nursery and getting ready for the new baby. All the things Esther and William love to unhelpfully help with!!!

8) Have you ever lied to get a job?

9) What one thing is on your list to do before you hit 30, 40, 50 or whatever significant birthday is next?
Have another baby. We would like four all together. I think I would like another little boy to balance things out. I have quite a few things I would like to do in the next five years.

10) Classic or modern films and why?
I like a mixture. Depending on subject and mood. I am the same with books. I like a variety of styles and eras. I love old musicals for example but I also love Harry Potter and the latest version of Lord of the Rings. I don’t watch that many films these days, never seem to have a long enough block of time to watch one in one go.

11) If you were a vampire who would be the first person you would bite?
I guess the person I would most want to be with me and be like me, so David. That is though, I have to say, a very odd question!

I believe that the idea now is that I am come up with 11 questions of my own and tag some people to answer them.

I am going to post 11 questions but think I will let people tag themselves. If you decide to have a go and answer the questions please leave a comment below so that I can come and find your answers and discover your blog if I do not know it already. Enjoy!

Blogger Qs from Edspire

1. What is the inspiration behind the name of your blog?
2. What is the best baby item you have ever bought and why?
3. What items do you always keep in your car?
4. Are you the kind of Mummy that you always though you would be?
5. What is the one thing you miss the most about not having children?
6. What is your best memory from school?
7. What charity is close to your heart and why?
8. Do you have a hero?
9. What is your favourite kind of weather and why?
10. What is your favourite rainy day activity with your child/ren?
11. I am addicted to Misfits at the moment. If you could have a super power what would it be?

Head to Head!

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