Pressure Assisted CPAP


Not such a good morning this morning.  William has been put on Pressure Assisted CPAP over night.  This gives him a push of air 30 times a minute to help him breathe.  He was struggling over night which is why this has been done.

Esther also seemed troubled this morning, with oxygen levels down in the 70s and 80s.  It is just typical that the one day I plan to go out things feel like they are going wrong.  Esther’s breathing was regulated by giving her a dummy to seal  the CPAP and stop her losing all her oxygen through her gaping mouth!  She sleeps like my Dad, mouth wide open!

William did not manage any time off CPAP last night as he was desaturating whilst still on it!  They are going to try him off again today to see if last night was just a blip.  This will happen after he has had a blood transfusion which is definitely happening today.  It all sounds bad but the doctors are not too worried about him and continue to be pleased with Esther’s progress.  She is continuing with the same regime.  William is going up to 5mls of milk an hour today and will have his sodium in his milk.

Pictures of some of our first ever cuddles …

One thought on “Pressure Assisted CPAP

  1. Hey love, already wrote you a tweet but I hope William and Esther are doing ok. It’s horrible when they go backwards with the breathing isn’t it? Hopefully the blood transfusion will sort out the Desats. Charlotte had 2 of them and was constantly up and down but got there in the end. Used to hate seeing her with the mask on, but you couldn’t help but laugh at the resulting CPap snout! We still have C’s CPap dummy in her keepsake box 🙂

    I hope today is a better day for you all – and those are some wonderful photos! xxx

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