Homecoming Email – sent to all family and friends

We sent this email on the 22nd September 2010. We had been home less than 24 hours and were looking forward to finally getting to know our children. We were also terrified that now we were solely responsible for them something would go wrong. We had left the security of the hospital and were out into the big wide world. Though it would actually be over a week before I was brave enough to leave the nursery alone with Esther and William. Seems like a lifetime ago now.

Our homecoming email …


We are very pleased to let you know that we have just survived our first night at home as a family of four!

We were taken a bit by surprise yesterday when the doctors told us that Esther and William were ready for home.

Along with congratulations the hospital staff have also given us some quite strict and specific instructions for now we are home as the babies were so premature and they do not want to see us back in hospital.  They recommended that we let all friends and family know from the start so that everyone can help the babies grow stronger.


No visitors to the house until the babies reach term

Because the babies are classed as having Chronic Lung Disease they are very susceptible to any and all forms of cold, flu etc … as it is possible for these viruses to travel on hands, clothing, bags etc without people knowing the chances of these infections being brought into the house increases dramatically with each visitor.  In October the babies will be given the first of 5 injections to protect them from RSV the main virus that underlines all coughs and colds etc they will then be able to start meeting their friends and family.  They will still be at high risk and so we will be keeping visitors to a minimum throughout the winter.

If and when you do visit we have been recommended to follow the same rules that the hospital apply:

Don’t come if you feel ill in any way

Always wash your hands when you arrive

Always wash hands before touching the babies

Don’t come in clothes that have been worn to schools or toddler groups etc …

Talk in calm, quiet voices around the babies

Sorry these rules all sound very strict and draconian

It has been a long journey to get the babies this far

We really do not want to spend any more time in hospital so we are going to be a bit protective and healthily paranoid at least until the cold and flu season is over.

Please bear with us as I am sure you will.

Though we are out of the building we are not yet in the clear

William will have a heart consultation in December and both babies will attend a Neuro Development clinic for the next two years.  We also are still undergoing screening for their eyes over the next few months.  This is to check that the babies are continuing to develop healthily.  It was very emotional leaving the hospital yesterday after 59 long days but we are so glad to be home. 

Thank you so much for all your cards, gifts, help and support so far.

Lots of love Jennie, David, Esther and William

PS) Please do not ring the house phone as we are catching sleep whenever we can!!  We will regularly check emails and mobiles x

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