Reasons to be Cheerful Week 3

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

I am once again joining with Mummy from the Heart’s link up sharing my reasons to be cheerful.  I love having this little review each week though I cannot believe that yet another week has passed!  We say in our house that it always seems to be bath time and now equally it always seems to be the time of the week when I am sharing my reasons to be cheerful.  Time flies when you have twinnies on your hands!

And so to this week’s reasons – again I had many to chose from and I know how lucky that I am to be able to say that.  Even through the red mist of sleep deprivation I do know how lucky I am.

Esther and William love baby rice!

This week we started weaning as Esther and William are very nearly 6 months old and William, in particular, seems to be very hungry!  We started on Sunday with their 11 o’clock ish feed.  They did not have very much but they had fun trying to eat it.  William has had baby rice every day since but we have had to stop with Esther as she is having some toilet trouble!! I am going to just use baby rice for another week and then start to experiment with fruit and veg purees for a week or so and then start to follow the Gina Ford weaning book as I like to have a structure to follow.  I am quite excited about it all really and it is definitely a reason to be cheerful.

William and Esther are becoming aware of one another

This week I have been sitting them opposite each other and they have been smiling at each other in a very flirtatious kind of way.  William cries when Esther is upset and looks very thoughtfully at her whenever he is near.  He is also starting to get jealous I think when he feels that she is getting too much attention!  I love that they are becoming so aware but sensing that there may be problems ahead if one feels they are getting less attention than the other.  I do so hope that as well as brother and sister they are going to become life long friends.

My ever thoughtful family and friends

Firstly Francoise has made me cheerful with her very thoughtful gifts of clothing sent from France.  A dress for Esther with little stars as we call her Little Star and a cardigan for William in the style of one I bought for his Daddy at Christmas.  Thank you Francoise for making me smile x

Had a lovely time and a good, LOUD, laugh with my cousin, Lyndsey, today.  Was great to spend some quality time with her and introduce her to Esther and William finally.  Hope to see a lot more of her as the weather improves and cold and flu season begins to fade x

Michele always makes me smile and keeps me sane, she is always a reason to be cheerful and this week she put up with me at my most tired and grumpy, and she is still coming to play again tomorrow. Thank you x

I also want to say that my Facebook / Bliss Ladies are a reason to be cheerful.  They support me all the time in making decisions about the twins.  They advise, and sympathise and are just there as a support network which I appreciate with all my heart.  This week they have been particularly helpful with diagnosing and treating Esther’s constipation.  And no, as we enter Day 12 she has still not been!

And finally, David.  After a week away I am so glad to have him home, and though I hate that he works so hard I know that he does it for us.  I love him so much and I could not do this without him.  I could not and would not be without him so thank goodness that, mostly(!), he makes me cheerful.

These are my reasons to be cheerful this week, what are yours?

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

8 thoughts on “Reasons to be Cheerful Week 3

  1. A fabulous post, you do indeed have lots of be thankful for this week.

    Reading about your twinnies interacting brings lots of memories back. Treasure these times, get lots of photos and video footage to look back on – it is priceless.

    Thanks for joining in. Mich x

  2. Ours were the same: they took to baby rice, but also had some toilet issues…
    We went on to purees as well but also made & make a lot of our own food: mashed carrots, banana ( a real favourite) etc.

    It’s great when you see them becoming more aware of each other isn’t it? It’ll get better & better I’m sure 🙂

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