007/365 Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!

Today whilst cutting cheese for cheese on toast Esther was watching me avidly and so I thought that I would give her a little taste. She really liked it but made such a mess. It was very funny.

Esther is such a lovely little thing. Her smile lights up a room and melts your heart. She smiles with her whole face, her whole body it seems like sometimes. She is so tiny and seems so fragile yet she is strong. Her favourite thing to do is stand though she cannot do this on her own it does not seem to bother her. She will hold your hands and stand on your knees on her tippy toes, looking like she could walk forth and conquer the world. She has a very musical giggle and is starting to babble now too. Her tiny little mouth works hard to form the different sounds that make up her chatter. Her new thing to do is chatter to herself in the mirror which is very funny to watch. One of the best parts of my day is bathing Esther, her smiling face beaming up at me framed with soapy suds, making her look like a friendly lion. She is a treasure. My little star, and I love her with everything I am and ever will be x

Can’t believe I am a Mummy to a son and a daughter, both of whom I love with all my heart, even on the grottiest of days! Even at my most tired I would not swap them and the love they have brought into my life for all the whole wide world!

More cheese?

One thought on “007/365 Say Cheese!

  1. Cheese is fine with me! I’ve grown more fond of ‘cheese’ since becoming a Dad to twins too.

    I think babies know when they’re deeply loved & it shows in their behaviour – as it clearly does with yours 🙂

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