Jackomettii Bandandy Review

Over the last month Esther and William have been looking rather dashing in their Jackomettii Spaghetti Bandandys.

I have been trying various dribble bibs over the past few months and have now settled on this brand after being invited to review them on this blog.

I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am with this product and especially this summer collection. Unlike other bibs we have tried these are a fashion accessory that is light enough for very hot days.
Poor Esther suffers from eczema under her chin and around her neck which is aggravated by her excessive dribbling and the Jackomettii Bandandy has helped to ease her suffering as it is lightweight but still soaks up all of her dribble, and believe me she dribbles a lot! The Bandandy is a fun way of keeping her dry and a much more efficient option than changing her clothing every hour which is what we had to do before!

The Bandandy is a designer bandana, a children’s fashion accessory, suitable for use as a bib, napkin, scarf and sunhat. Esther looked very cute indeed when we used one as a headscarf on her, William was not so amused when we tried this with him but he happily wears his Bandandy around his neck. He also looks too cute!

The Bandandys are 100% cotton and backed in unbleached calico making them perfect for babies’ sensitive skins. They are finished with non-nickel snaps again meaning that they will not irritate babies’ skin.

They look so smart and come in a range of patterns and colours to suit different outfits and moods.

We have loved using the two we have had for review and I am about to place an order now for some more to see us through this dribbly teething stage. The Bandandys can be washed up to 40 degrees and tumble dried making them practical and convenient for Mums. They adjust to two different sizes and so will grow along with Esther and William. Definitely worth a look if not a buy?

Ordering could not be simpler. Jackomettii has a great website where the Bandandys can be purchased for just £10 with free delivery.

I agree with the Metro that a Jackomettii Bandandy is something you can “spend a tenner on that looks as if it’s worth much, much more”.

Here are some pictures of Esther and William wearing, and eating(!), their Jackomettii Bandandys.

9 thoughts on “Jackomettii Bandandy Review

  1. Oh, this is cool. I hope I can get them in France. One question though before I order one : How long can the baby wear it for before it’s too wet ? It’s very thoughtful to have designed fashionable bibs as I don’t like to realise I’ve left the bib on when I look at photos. They are usually quite disgraceful, but these are gorgeous and multifunctional.

    And for Esther’s eczema : my sister had very bad eczema for as long as I can remember. There’s isn’t THE solution but there are things that can soothe. I know she uses aloe vera to soothe the itches. It’s really easy to grow and doesn’t need much care. It’s quite a pretty plant too. She sometimes sees a healer too. It often works better than cream, mostly as she tends to have more in emotionally stressful situations.
    I hope this can help…
    You’re in my thoughts even thought I’ve been bad at keeping in touch lately.

    • You can use the code Twitter1 to get a 10% discount if you order using the link on this blog. They stay dry for a few hours and when they are wet no wetness goes through to the clothes which is great! Once wet they dry very quickly in the sun or can be tumble dried. They really are very good and much better than other types I have tried x

  2. Yeah! We have this one too. I did not know about Google but it is okay. I am not too worried about their pics being online at the moment, maybe as they get older I will think again x

  3. Pingback: Introducing … « Edspire (Esther and William in the World)

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