A Disappointing Start to 2012

Anyone who knows me or reads this blog regularly will know how much I have been looking forward to spending new year with my wee sis and meeting my gorgeous 10 week old nephew, Toby. They live in Australia and so time with them is precious. I had made such plans and dreamt such dreams about what our new year together would be like. All my hopes, plans and dreams cam crashing down as I have been totally wiped out for five days with illness.

Before my sister arrived I had wanted to clear out their room and set up lots of baby toys for Toby. I had a mountain of presents to wrap for my newest nephew. I managed to get nothing done. Instead not even being able to look after my own children let alone prepare for anybody elses.

David, my husband, has been my hero these last few days taking charge of the house and of the babies allowing me to sleep about 16 hours a day to try and shift the cold and sore throat that still plagues me.

I cannot remember ever being so affected before by a sore throat. I have been taking paracetomol every 4 hours for 4 days now just to be able to get through the day and to offer some relief so that I can sleep. I have been drinking fruit tea with honey throughout the day and night trying to relieve the pain in my throat. It has been awful. But almost worse than that is the lack of energy and the feeling that I may pass out or vomit if I do too much. This is the first time in days that I have been able to spend longer than a couple of minutes on my lap top. I have not yet wished any of my friends or family a happy new year.

I tried so hard to make it to midnight last night but just had to give in at 10pm. I was not in the mood for games, it hurt to speak and I just needed to sleep.

I am so disapointed at a wasted opportunity of having a good time with my sister and her family.

Toby is so handsome and I have not yet been able to cuddle him as I do not want to give him my germs.

I have had to watch Esther and William giggle and play with Daddy as I have had no voice nore the energy required for active play. It makes me so sad not being able to care for Esther and William properly. But I do have Matilda Bump to think about too.

I hope she is okay and not been too hurt by all the paracetomol and honey?!?

David is back to work tomorrow and so I have to be better and be a proper Mummy again.

I am hoping that this is my big illness of the season and will be in better health for the rest of 2012.

One saving grace is that so far Esther and William do not seem to have been affected. I hope that it stays that way as I would not wish the disappointment of my last few days on anyone.

Thankfully I will see my sister again January 7th, for a whole week, I am hoping that we can make a better go of things then and I will finally get to snuggle my nephew.

Image Copyright The Gateway Pundit

Happy New Year Everyone, may it be merry and healthy for all.

2 thoughts on “A Disappointing Start to 2012

  1. Happy New Year! So sorry about your new year – its really sad not to be able to spend time with them but lets hope the 7th is everything you dreamt of. Same thing happened for Ls first Christmas – we were at my parents and my sister came with her kids (they live in devon so we only see them a couple of times a year) and both her kids were so sick they spent half of xmas in A&E and the rest of the time we were creeping around trying not to wake them – it was the most miserable first xmas for L and none of my hopes and dreams happened and I spent part of xmas day in tears i was so disappointed. So sending big hugs as I know just how it feels to be so dissapointed and it sucks. Hope you feel loads better soon.


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