Me Time!

So I have done it! I left the man and the babies at home. I was supposed to go out early this morning but David has a sicky hangover so could not go. He was very funny last night when he was a little tipsybut this morning I was not so amused as my precious time for me seemed to be hanging in the balance.

As it was I had a lovely morning with the Squidgers. We had chocolate brioche for breakfast with a cup of tea for me and a Hipp Fruity Pouch for them. We then read some stories, had a bit of a play before settling down with a snack and Mr Tumble. By 10.30am they were back in bed and I was trying to decide whether or not I should go. I knew that it was now or never!

I had pretty much made up my mind that I should stay at home David was not looking at all well and I was worried about leaving the babies with him feeling so unwell. When I told him I was a bit worried he said that he is often worried about leaving the babies with me but he has to. That was all I needed to hear to know that for everyone’s sake I needed some time away.

Sometimes I do just need to get away and have some time for me. I just do. I think all Mummies do. I think we all need some time of our own to remember who we are and that we are capable of things not baby related. For me it is about getting just a little sense of self back, recharging my batteries and replenishing my patience.

I love my children. I love being in the very fortunate position of beng able to stay home with them and help them live, learn and grow. I know that I owe that to David but just once in a while I need to get away, for just a few hours to enable me to treasure our time together all the more and so that I can look forward to coming home.

So Esther and William went to bed at 10.30am this morning and I will be back home with them by 4.00pm this afternoon. Surely they will all survive that long and I will get the eagerly anticipated break that I so desperately need.

And what is it that I am doing with this oh so precious time?

I am looking in small chops with narrow aisles and old fashioned doors.

I am having lunch in a beautiful cafe that has steps leading up to it.

I am reading and writing without interruption, without guilt, without feeling that I should be doing something else.

I am not wiping snot from glistening noses every few minutes.

I am in clean clothes and my hair is down!

I am sat on a comfy sofa tucked away in a cosy corner of a room not just sat in the only place that I can fit the double buggy or two highchairs.

I am enjoying being pregnant and feeling Matilda Bump kick and wriggle and squirm.

I am browsing shops at my leisure choosing gifts and cards for special people. I am doing this without having to entertain twin toddlers at the same time.

I am not talking at all. To anyone. It is bliss!

I can sit somewhere, peacefully and only worry about feeding myself.

I can sit here quietly for as long as I like not only as long as the twins can stand.

I can go to the loo in any loo without having to negotiate narrow doors with the buggy or ask random strangers to watch my children while I pee!

I am enjoying having just a little time and space to think and reflect and plan.

Recharging the batteries, replenishing the patience, rebuilding the armour to return and be Mummy again.

I am enjoying my Me Time. I am glad I am having just a few hours away and I know I will be a better Mummy when I get back home.

Thank you David x

Enjoying some peace and quiet. Bliss!

One thought on “Me Time!

  1. Enjoy the break and don’t feel guilty at all. We all need a bit of time to ourselves sometimes, being with children all day is lovely but exhausting! Husband brought me some pampering vouchers for Christmas which I have not yet used. Think I might book myself in next weekend to recharge my batteries too xx

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