What Pram for a Baby Girl?

David and I are decided after these last few glorious sunny days that we are going to need a single pram / buggy for short trips. Esther and William are progressing with their walking every day and they love the freedom and independence that it brings. Yesterday they were able to walk from our house over the village green, past the church and to the park. It took a while but they can do it and more importantly they enjoy it. I will have a sling for Matilda Bump but I think we will also need a pram.

There will also be times when we are all out together that Daddy can push the double buggy and I can have Matilda in a single. Anything to avoid a triple buggy but we do like going on long walks especially on nice summer days.

There will too be times when Matilda and I go out on our own and then it would be silly to have her in one half of an Easywalker Duo leaving the twins without any mode of transport.

So the conclusion that we have reached is that we are going to need a single pram / buggy and with just 6 weeks to go we need to make a start in finding one that we like and that meets our needs.

I, for a while now, have been secretly coveting a Chicco Nunu pramette as it is small and gorgeously girly for a newborn baby girl.

Gorgeously Girly!

At The Baby Show in February I saw a great demonstration of the Mamas and Papas Mylo that could work for us and in lots of magazines recently I have seen adverts for the Mothercare Movix. I also think I would like to try a Stokke Xplory but I am not certain it would be for me. I like the height of this and think it would encourage me to talk to Matilda Bump more and would be good if I have post birth back troubles which I think I probably will.

Easywalker Duo

Lots of my friends have BugaBoos but I think they are very expensive when we already have £1500 worth of machine in our trusty Easywalker Duo. There is of course the idea of a single Easywalker June (a girl can dream!) or trying out a Mountain Buggy.

There are so many options that with only 6 weeks left to go I don’t really know where to start.

Can you help me?

We need a single pram for a baby girl. It is going to be in pram mode throughout the summer and autumn. I would love for the pram to be parent facing and I like the idea of height. I need the buggy to be quick and easy to fold. It needs to be able to take the weight of a change bag packed for three under twos. It needs to be easy to steer. It needs to fold up small for storage.

Can you give me an idea of where to start knowing that a Chicco Nunu is my favourite from what I have seen so far. Do you have an idea that might change my mind or steal my heart?

5 thoughts on “What Pram for a Baby Girl?

  1. Unfortunately you won’t like me, but I’d have to say Bugaboo. It’s the best money I have ever spent. I adore my Bugaboo Bee. It’s light and compact and has a gorgeous pink hood. Best buggy ever and well worth the expense.

  2. Hi – I have to agree that the bugaboo bee would be my recommendation. I have one and it’s the best thing I bought. It’s so easy to manoeuvere even with one hand, it’s light and easy to fold (after folding a few times) and it’s small enough to fit through pretty narrow spaces. It looks good too and will last you the whole while you need a pram/pushchair.

  3. You should get an ABC Everest triple buggy – or at least try one out. It’s actually no bigger (and is in fact narrower) than most side by side doubles, and it means your grown up twinnies can have a seat when they need it plus your new baby can lie flat up on top, facing you at almost your eye level. Lovely (and rare with 3…) bonding time.

    If nothing else put a shout out to people that have one reading your posts to let you try their buggy so you can see how amazing it is!

    Anyway, good luck with it all!

  4. Pingback: Our New Nunu! – Edspire

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