Bump Watch: 35 Weeks

Today I am 35 weeks pregnant and I am feeling it.

Matilda Bump is having a good old wriggle and stretch today and making my bump feel very hard where she is stretching my skin. It is really quite uncomfortable at times but also so reassuring being able to see and feel her move.

I saw my midwife on Tuesday and she told me that Baby is already 2-3/5ths engaged and this is apparently quite unusual for a second pregnancy? She has told me to be ready for Baby to make an appearance anytime from now. This has panicked me slightly as I really want to be able to bring Baby home with us this time and I am certain that if she were born now it would mean a spell in SCBU.

My midwife also told me that at 34 weeks my bump was measuring 33cms and so 33 weeks. Up until this appointment I had always been measuring bang on or ahead of my dates so I am a little concerned. My midwife is clearly not though as she does not want to see me again until I am 37+3. I am not sure how happy I am about this given the concerns, the doubts and my history. I am thinking of making an appointment to see my GP. Would you?

Bump @ 34+5

According to my SMA pregnancy email

This week sees the start of your baby’s most rapid period of weight gain and you may find that you are more hungry than usual. Try not to overdo it though. You only need about another 200 calories per day.

Your baby’s ability to control their own temperature is well developed so they no longer need the protective layers of vernix and lanugo. The downy lanugo has almost gone now although some babies are born with patches on their shoulders and back. The vernix will gradually disappear over the next few weeks.

Your baby’s lungs are finally fully developed now and the digestive system is ready to cope with a milk diet.

Reading this makes me think that we might be able to bring Baby home with us if she were to be born right now, but I hope she stays put fr just a few more weeks.

Today David and I have been at our NCT Antenatal Class with six other lovely couples. We have been learning all about pregnancy and birth. Today we talked a lot about positions for labour and birth and the use of pain relief.

I am determined to try using water and entonox as my only pain relief but I realise that I want and what will actually unfold may be two very different things. I really want to try having an active birth using my ball from The Miracle Box. We tried a few positions today and I had also tried more with the physiotherapist during our Isle of Wight Antenatal Weekend.

I am finding my ball invaluable at the moment. Sitting on it can really help with back pain and when my bottom goes numb from all the weight being put on to it!

According to Babycentre Baby now weighs over 5lbs and is almost half a metre long! I think she is going to seem like a giant to us after Esther and William. They had a combined weight of 5lbs! Poor little Squidgers!

I thought we were making progress with Esther and William and getting the to understand about the baby. They love to pull up my top and cuddle my bump, kiss my bump and say Hello or Goodbye Baby. I was so proud that they were beginning to understand until I realised that they do the same to Daddy too. Oh well, we will keep trying!

It is so hard to make them understand as at 20 months (17 months corrected)they do not have the language that they need to comprehend, not until Baby is actually here.

I am so excited about becoming a family of five.

This week has been wonderful with all the sun. We have been to our favourite place Leeds Castle three times. It has been an active week though and now I am tired and know that I need to start doing less.

The Easter holidays over the next two weeks mean that David can be a little more hands on. He is wonderful already though and every day seems to be doing more and more.

It is becoming real for him too I think. We are going to have a Baby and soon, very soon, she will be here!

3 thoughts on “Bump Watch: 35 Weeks

  1. Hi Jenny

    It’s so worrying isn’t it when your midwife dismisses your fears – if a extra appt would reassure you then don’t hesitate to try and make it – listen to your instincts!

    My daughter was born at 35 wks exactly and apart from jaundice/ sleeping all the time so not feeding, she was fine. She breathed completely independently from the start and we were on a main ward for our entire stay – not visits to SCBU needed. I hope that reassures you a little. She was also an extremely good weight of 5lb 10 oz (making me a little glad that she wasn’t born as a 9lb+ at term lol)

    • Thank you so much for taking time to leave such a helpful comment. I have hardly seen my midwife and am really disappointed in general with my antenatal care. Will definitely go and see GP next week for some reassurance. Thank you x

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