Bump Watch: The Night She Didn’t Move!

So we have had a busy Easter weekend getting things ready for our new addition.

She is due in just 3 weeks now and we still seem to have lots to do.

With all the business I found myself not noticing her move so much inside.

She tends to be active when I go to bed and on Monday night she was not.

She often has a wriggle and a squirm first thing in the morning but on Tuesday morning she did not.

On Tuesday night I sat down with a cold caffeinated drink and waited for her to move. She did not.

I ate dinner, not a flinch.

I began to tweet my concerns and got a flood of heartwarming answers and a community of mums urging me to get help, to get checked.

At 10.00pm I finally made the call.

The Delivery Suite.

I was told to come straight in.

I drove myself to the hospital not really knowing what to expect.

Worried I was wasting people’s time.

I was greeted by a lovely midwife who hooked me up to a machine.

Before anything else was said or done she found the baby’s heartbeat and started up the trace.

We then went through my history with Esther and William and this pregnancy.

We discussed Baby’s usual pattern of movements.

I told her my concerns about everyone saying that my bump is really small.

The baby’s heart beat on.

The trace also showed uterine contractions. I cannot feel them.

While we talked Matilda moved, three times.

The midwife wanted the doctor to review my trace because of the contractions and a slightly erratic heartrate from Baby for a time.

He was happy with the trace.

He felt the baby and says that she is definitely head down and is as much as 4/5 engaged which could explain the compactness of my bump. He said that the size of the head felt normal but that her body seemed small.

The doctor has referred me for a growth scan. He is mostly concerned because at 28 weeks we were told that Baby was big for her gestation, as much as two weeks ahead. Now my fundal height is measuring four to five weeks behind.

I am sure this is something my midwife would have picked up if I ever saw her. She only sees me every three or four weeks, even at this late stage, even with my history.

Today Matilda seems much more active which has made both David and I feel reassured. We have an NHS scan booked for Tuesday 17th April but so that we can relax over the weekend we have also booked a sneaky private peak this Friday. Just to see.

We have come so far with this pregnancy and our new Baby Girl, we couldn’t bear it if anything went wrong for us now.

The midwife has warned me that if she is very small on the scan on Tuesday and they think that she is not thriving inside then they may well induce me before I get to 40 weeks.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this?

I want to thank all the mummies on Twitter. You were all just wonderful to me last night and I will never ever forget your kindness and support.

Thank you.

36+5 tomorrow. Just two more days to make it to term.

We can do it Matilda Bump. You and Me!

6 thoughts on “Bump Watch: The Night She Didn’t Move!

  1. Jennie if you ever feel there is anything out of the ordinary or not quite right then do go to hospital immediately – that is what they are there for and stamp your feet if they dont check everything – you are the only one who knows what you feel and more to the point the one who has to live with their decisions. Im so glad all is ok but if I were you I would demand a scan with the hospital tomorrow – if she is failing to thrive you need her out now. I dont mean to be an pain but please dont wait until tuesday if you have any concerns – your midwife should be shot! Sending loads of love and best bump wishes xxx

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