Spundown Bedding Review

Esther and William have a love of cushions at the moment. They love getting a blanket and the cushions from our sofa to pretend that they are going to sleep. They also have to have a cushion to lie on for nappy changes. There is a cushion for everything including each individual cuddly toy!

This borderline obsession with cushions has led to us allowing Esther and William to have a pillow in their cot. They will soon be two years old and so I think the time is now.

I was a bit wary about them having a pillow but in the back of my mind I remember a nurse in SCBU saying that babies will not suffocate themselves, they know to turn their heads. Esther and William move so much in their sleep now that I am certain they will be safe.

Choosing bedding was going to be a problem. There are so many different considerations about togs and fillings and synthetic or non? I did not know where to begin until I was asked to review Spundown Bedding … and now I will never look back!

Spundown Children's Bedding

Spundown Children’s Bed Set

The Spundown Children’s Bed Set comprises a single duvet and a child sized pillow. The duvet is a 4.5 tog. It feels so soft and squishy but though it keeps the toddlers warm it is also very light. Esther and William love snuggling under their duvets, nestled on their pillows and they always sleep well. Sometimes when they sleep with blankets and covers they wake up sticky and sweaty but not so with this Spundown set.

Esther’s new bedding

Esther and William are really pleased with their new bedding and Mummy loves it too.

William’s new bedding

We really put the bedding through its paces shortly after Matilda Mae was born and Esther and William were struck down with a sickness bug. They were ill all over their duvets and I had to get them washed and dried ready for them to go to sleep again that night.

The Spundown Bedding is fantastic in that it compresses really small to fit inside your washing machine and then dries quickly in air ready to be back on the bed for bedtime. Fabulous for busy mummies and those with lots of beds!

The duvet and pillow are machine washable at 60 degrees which is the temperature required to kill off germs and mites. I was very impressed with how well the set washed and how very quickly it dried.

We have the cotbed sets but you can also buy sets for single beds and duvets for adults too!

Spundown Bedding
is non allergenic as well as comfortable and convenient. And reasonably priced too with the cotbed set costing just £35.

Spundown Bedding is available to buy online from The Fine Bedding Company.

The perfect choice of bedding for all the family!?!

We were sent two Spundown Cot Bed Sets for the purposes of this review.

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