The “It Only Takes ONE Mum” Meme

ONE International are campaigning to put nutrition on the global agenda.

They need our help to convince world leaders to

help 25 million children reach their full potential by making measurable commitments to reduce chronic malnutrition by 2016.

Mummy Bloggers across the UK are playing their part and lending their voices to this vital campaign.

You can too and I am going to tell you how.

But first I am going to tell you why.

ONE is not a charity that asks for your money it is an organisation that asks you for your voice.

By supporting ONE, you have the opportunity to take action to support effective, proven initiatives that are delivering results in the poorest places on the planet: protecting families from preventable diseases like AIDS and malaria, putting children in school, providing economic opportunity and stabilising communities.

Join me and millions of people around the world who believe that where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live.

Two mummies that I have had the pleasure of meeting and who’s blogs I read are currently in Ethiopia, travelling with a group of 11 other inspirational Mums and Moms as part of the ONE Campaign.

Our trip is about success – Living Proof – of what is working and why it is important that we continue to support projects that are making a huge, measurable difference for less than one percent of the entire US budget. It is about letting more people know what a tremendous difference the US and UK are making in the lives of millions around the world. And it is about adding thousands more voices to those already letting their elected officials know they support these life-saving programs.

From Michelle, Mummy From The Heart.

Many other mummies are coming together in the form of a blogging meme.

I have not been tagged in this meme but I want to join in anyway and lend my voice to such a worthy cause. I hope that nobody minds. I want my voice to join the throng as together we try to make a difference.

Seasider Clare started the initiative and has asked mummies everywhere to use the slogan ONE MUMS to write an acrostic poem sharing what it is like to be a mummy. What does being a mummy mean to you?

Here is my go at a #OneMums acrostic.

Overwhelming in every way
New discoveries every day
Endless worry, stress and guilt
Many magical memories built
Unconditional love, no matter who does what
Makes use of all energy, every effort, talent, you’ve got
Such a rich tapestry of respect, wonder and awe, I am Mummy to three and I still want more!

Why not join us? Lend us your voice? You can join the meme as well as signing up to support the campaign.

You can also follow the journey of Michelle and the team with the #ONEMums and #ONEMoms tags. I know they would value your support.

Please please pass this on!

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we’re not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

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