WPD12: Mama Jewels Giveaway

Today for World Prematurity Awareness Month I bring you a giveaway from the wonderful Mama Jewels.

A few months ago, when Matilda Mae was first born, I reviewed a beautiful breastfeeding bracelet.

I remember thinking how useful this baby friendly bracelet would have been when the twins were in NICU and when they first came home.

The idea is that you wear it to remind you which side to feed or express from next.

When you have a new baby there are so many things to do and to think about, little things to remember. Having a feeding reminder is a great idea. I am sure there are many apps that could help you remember, or good old fashioned paper and pen. But this is a much prettier way to do it and also serves as a lovely teething toy as baby gets older.

At least that is how mine gets used these days. Esther and William like to wear it too and I know I can let them because of all the thorough testing it has been through with Mama Jewels. I know that it is baby and toddler safe.

It is also just a very pretty bracelet that I still like to wear out and about as it is a great distraction for a crying baby. And even a fractious toddler, particularly during nappy changes when we are out and about.

This is a beautiful bracelet and a lovely gift for a new nursing mummy, or mummy to be.

With Christmas just around the corner this would be a lovely addition to a mummy’s stocking.

And in trying to win it for yourself or someone you love you will be helping to raise awareness of issues surrounding premature birth and babies.

What reason is there for not taking part?

If you would like to win a beautiful breastfeeding bracelet from the lovely Mama Jewels then click on the Rafflecopter Giveaway below and fill it in.

Stunningly simple. Just like the jewels!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

24 thoughts on “WPD12: Mama Jewels Giveaway

  1. I could definitely do with one of these for when baby no 3 arrives in the new year. With the last two I have just randomly grappled my boob to see which one felt the emptiest at feeding time!! I have done all of the required tasks 🙂

  2. All done (think I’ve done it right on facebook because an error message was being displayed on the rafflecopter but think I found the right page on facebook 😕

    Great giveaway 🙂

  3. Done all of the above – fb link not in box so searched on fb and liked Mama Jewels UK I hope this is the right one 🙂
    Thank you x

  4. Pingback: WPD12: Absent and Alone An Update | Edspire

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