WPD12: Lansinoh 2-in-1 Double Electric Breast Pump Giveaway

When Esther and William were born at 27 weeks I was more determined than ever to feed them myself. At the beginning though they did not have the strength, size or skills to feed from me. The sucking reflex does not begin until 33/34 weeks. I still wanted Esther and William to have my milk though and so I expressed breast milk, first by hand and then with an industrial breast pump loaned to me by the hospital, but I do wish that I had also had one of my own. Being a NICU mummy time is precious. You want to spend every minute that you can by your baby’s side. Being a mother of twins in NICU time becomes even more of a factor. With two incubators to sit between, two babies that need you equally as much. Time is such a precious thing.

When I came home I did not need to express anymore as Esther and William fed well and so much!! But I know that for many mummies having an efficient expressing machine meant that their babies could continue getting the goodness from their milk. Esther and William fed round the clock when they first came home. Their tummies were so tiny as they still weighed under 5lbs each. Expressing was not right for me when we came home but I know that for many mummies, of preemies and term babies, expressing has been essential.

You can read more about our breastfeeding journey here.

When the lovely people at Lansinoh heard that I was writing a series of posts for World Prematurity Awareness Month they were really keen to get involved.

I am a huge fan of Lansinoh products and so was only too happy to have them on board. I was not expecting their generosity though. They have very very kindly agreed to giveaway one of their fabulous 2-in-1 Double Electric Breast Pumps to one Edspire reader.

Have a look at this!


After having a baby life can become a blur of nappies, feeding and non-stop visitors.

Dedicated to breastfeeding mothers, Lansinoh is here to help with the breastfeeding stage of your life.

The Lansinoh 2-in-1 Double Electric Breast Pump is a revolutionary product that allows you to express from both breasts simultaneously, or as a single pump if you wish, meaning that you can produce milk in half the time of your regular breast pumps. Expressing milk regularly also stimulates and maintains your milk supply.

The Lansinoh 2-in-1 Pump has been designed with your ultimate comfort in mind and includes Comfort Fit breast cushions that are soft and gentle on the breasts.

Lansinoh 2-in-1 has unique, independently adjustable cycle and suction levels, which allows you to choose the most efficient and comfortable expression settings. Its design makes it as effective as those hospital grade pumps, which you may already be familiar with.

Another one of its many features is that it’s a closed pump. This means that milk cannot travel back up the tubing or into the pump itself, reducing the risk of bacteria growth. Its design also means that pump is effortless to assemble and easy to clean.

In addition the Lansinoh 2-in-1 Pump also boasts a let-down phase, which will decrease pumping time for all those mothers who are in a rush – and let’s face it – with a baby who isn’t.

For mothers who are on the go, the Lansinoh 2-in1- Pump is compact enough to carry in your baby bag and can be operated on battery. Perfect for those occasions when you get caught out on the move.

The Lansinoh 2-in-1 Pump is made from 100% Bisphenol-A (BPA) free materials and is easy to store and clean.

This is such a great prize for any new Mummy or Mummy to be and all you have to do win it for yourself or someone you know is this:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!!

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