Festive Forecast: Little Helper Fun Pod Review and Giveaway

For the last few months we have been testing out a Little Helper Fun Pod.

The Fun Pod Duo!

In fact we have been testing not one but two of these kitchen helper pods. We were very kindly sent one Pod to review and then quickly bought another so that both Esther and William can have one for helping in the kitchen.

Two Peas in a Pod

The Fun Pod is a wooden box in which a toddler can stand safely and be raised to the correct height for working or playing or even just watching at the kitchen work top. Esther and William are always asking to go in their box and love nothing more than helping with the washing up or just watching mummy get busy making tea.

Practising cutting star bread for Christmas

They also just enjoy the novelty of being in a box which can buy me precious seconds when I need them. They love hiding in them and stashing toys in them for safe keeping. They are also great for hiding mess and kitchen clutter in when visitors come around!!

Buttering Bread

The Fun Pod has made it possible for me to cook and bake safely with my toddler twins on my own. Baby Tilda who cannot yet stand joins us in the kitchen in her high chair. So far using the Pods we have buttered lots of bread, learned about making sandwiches, made lots of chocolate Krispie cakes, made Thomas cakes and Gruffalo biscuits. As Christmas nears we plan to make more cakes and cookies and also try to make some Peppermint Creams.

Kitchen Fun

The Fun Pod provides a safe place to position a toddler in the kitchen and so has given me the confidence to give lots of new things a go.

Esther also likes to make cups of tea with Daddy and has learned the sequence for making a cup of tea. Both Esther and William like to go in their Pod but Esther is the one who most likes to actually help in the kitchen. William just finds it fun and he is also the one who most likes to keep close to mummy.

Cooking with Mummy

When it came to assembling the Fun Pods we left that work to Daddy. Or at least I did. Esther and William were very keen to lend a hand!

Lending A Hand

The Fun Pod was easy to put together and once assembled though it is heavy it definitely feels sturdy and safe. Esther and William have jumped up and down in them a lot and have not fallen or injured themselves. I would not leave them in their Pods unattended but I do think it would be very difficult to hurt yourself in one of these. The structure is solid and they cannot fall. Because they are so well built they are quite heavy to move around even with the helpfully added handles.

Babes in a Box!

The Fun Pod is quite large. It has been built for use with children aged between 1 and 5. The height can be adjusted accordingly by moving the lower platform up and down. It slots easily but securely into place. We have quite a small kitchen at the moment but manage to have our two Fun Pods in their at all times. Not sure we will be able to accommodate a third for Matilda though, at least not until our new kitchen is complete!

As well as being highly functional and like a spare pair of arms for a multiple mummy the Fun Pod also comes in a fabulous box that our Daddy converted to a passenger ferry for small children and stuffed animals. With this we had hours of fun.

Fun Pod Ferry

This multi level enclosed standing platform has changed the way of the Edspire household. It has given us more creative time together as a family by enabling Esther and William to get involved in the kitchen,

The Standing Platform

Whether that be washing up or water play in the sink, baking cakes and making cookies, cutting fruit or buttering bread or just reading a book to be near me.

The Fun Pod makes life easier for busy mums and more fun for curious tots.

It is a large purchase in price and size but I think that it is well worth the money for what it saves you in tears, tantrums and time.

The Little Helper Fun Pod retails at around £100 and I think is worth every penny. So much so that we currently have two and when the time is right we will invest in a third for Little Miss Mae.

You can choose from a range of colours to complement your kitchen.You can see them all here at The Little Helper website and whilst you are there why not check out there other great products too?

If you think that The Little Helper Fun Pod would make perfect sense in your home then why not try and win one with me today?

Here is what you need to do x

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!

16 thoughts on “Festive Forecast: Little Helper Fun Pod Review and Giveaway

  1. all done on the rafflecopter i really enjoy baking, and there is nothing better than the kids helping me too, would love a safe way to do it x

  2. All done, would love to win this to get Littlebit in the kitchen making stuff full stop, as she’s currently not allowed, small galley kitchen with no way of keeping her away from danger. We bake at the dining table but its just not the same. I think gingerbread would be first on the list though :)))

  3. Gosh, thy look fab- what an ace idea, my 16 month old s a liability when I am trying to cook these days, be fab to have somewhere to pop him where hes safe and be lovely to start making cakes and sugar pastry together!

  4. All done. I’d love to get Bud in the kitchen using this. He’s into everything and drags our Ikea step stool around the kitchen to stand on which takes up lots of room and gets in the way. It also isn’t secure and he has fallen with it a couple of times. We use a small table but it would be so much easier to have him up at the kitchen surfaces with me. When Little Miss gets bigger she would be able to watch us from her highchair too. Another thing is that Bud is going through a really picky foody phase at the moment and people keep telling me to get him involved with the cooking. The Fun Pod would be great for that.

  5. I have done all the steps above. My youngest has an egg allergy and I have been dying to try more egg free recipes with him as well as involving my eldest more in preparing home cooked meals.

  6. All done. I would love to be able to get S involved in all my cooking. I can’t wait to make marshmallow ricecrispy cakes with him, like I did when I was a small child

  7. Pingback: Easter Baking: Chocolate Cornflake Nests | Edspire

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