Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time!

And so it is over for another year.

Christmas is over as soon as it has begun but what a wonderful Christmas it was!

On Christmas Eve we had friends around for a champagne brunch which was lovely. We then walked to the crib service at our village church.

Before bed we read this year’s favourite festive story, Father Christmas Needs A Wee!

David and I spent the evening finishing the wrapping and making some toys.

Esther and William are still too young to really understand what is going on.

They do know who Father Christmas is and they get excited when they see him but they do not really understand the magic.

I think that next year it will begin for us.

The anticipation and excitement of Christmas Eve.

This year it was all about Christmas morning and their excited faces and wriggling bodies when they realised that all of the presents, as far as the eye could see, were for them.

Presents they understand and they have had some beautiful ones.

What has gladdened my heart most this Christmas though is that though Esther and William have loved their presents what they have enjoyed most of all is spending time with their cousins and family at Granny and Grandad’s house.

We have simply had the most wonderful Christmas time.

I hope that you have too x

Some of our highlights and moments to remember

Excited faces

Festive Fashion!

Perfect Presents!

Stockings Hung by the Fire

Wrapping Up The Playroom

Going to the crib service

Matilda’s Christmas Sensory Box

William Being the First Twin Up!

Stockings Filled With Traditional Toys

Breaking Through The Playroom Door


Wheels on the Bus!

Matilda’s First Christmas Dinner

Merry Christmas Everyone!

2 thoughts on “Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time!

  1. I love the photo of you and Matilda on the way to the crib service but it pains me to say I don’t recognise you at all. I’m not sure how you will get though the next few days but I know that you will xxxx

  2. I am sure you will do your level best to make sure Esther and William have another fun filled day no matter how much you are dying inside. Love the wrapped playroom. Brilliant pictures of Matilda Mae in the pram ad love the blanket/suit she is wrapped in. Have the best day you can.

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