In Lieu of Snow: There Are Memories To Be Made!

This morning I was up early with Matilda Mae who slept well and so was awake and ready to go.

We came downstairs to play in the lounge and get ready for the day.

As we are a house of poorliness at the moment Daddy had a well earned lay in and Esther and William dozed and played happily in their cots until about 9.00am.

I was disappointed with the levels of snowfall we had had overnight and so I knew that Esther and William would be too.

They are desperate to build a snowman and a snow dog.

I decided that I would make their wishes come true by making them some snow inspired play dough.

I got the non cook recipe from the Nurture Store and set to work making my little lovelies some snow.

Esther was keen to help with the making of the play dough and then William joined us once it was made.

With help from Mummy and Daddy Esther and William both made a snowman and a snow dog.

We used raisins for eyes, an old muslin for scarves (is there no end to their uses???) and egg cartons for pointy hats.

Esther and William then played with these for ages. It was lovely to watch as they acted out stories and asked for a little boy so they could act out the film of The Snowman and the Snow Dog.

When they were bored of that. We practised our cutting and chopping and rolling skills on the play dough.

I then got out a tub of tiny plastic animals and we made patterns in the play dough with their footprints.

Esther and William actually just liked sticking the animals into the dough and pretending that they were stuck in the snow. It was very funny to watch.

The animals and tools all needed cleaning after this play and so I set up a washing station with towels and bowls of warm soapy water.

Esther and William played with this for ages and ages. Esther was really sad when we eventually packed it away and so I think we will be washing more toys in this way very soon.

To soothe Esther I took her upstairs to help me choose her clothes for the day. As Granny was coming over she wanted to wear a pretty dress. This is the outfit that she put together. For two and a half years old, and with very little guidance, I think she did quite well!

We had a lovely day despite our lack of snow. We made towers, ate macaroni cheese, read stories, did puzzles, played in the garden, spent time with Granny and took all our Happy Land people for a ride on a trike!!

I felt privileged to watch William do this today. The precision and care displayed as he lined up all the people on the seat of his trike and wheeled them around the room. It made my heart sing.

I am a mummy to three very special children.

And next time I say that I do not get much done in a day I will remember this.

All that we achieve together every single day.

The house work will wait. There are memories to be made! And I want to use the best of my time to listen.

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