Memories of Matilda Mae

Just a collection of memories of Matilda Mae, a baby that we came to
know more of than any other:

We always marvelled at her being totally undaunted by rooms full of
people and being willingly passed from one adoring person to another.
Matilda Mae seemed always to relish and enjoy the attention her beauty
and ‘cuteness’ brought about.

We never truly understood how, when placed in one spot in the room.
Moments later – without being seen to move, Matilda would be in a
completely different place! Her ability to ‘shuffle bottom’ around was

Carolyn remembers that, whilst ‘in charge’ of Matilda at Jumping Beans,
she was sucking on her finger. Suddenly it began to hurt and Matilda had
gained teeth since this last happened! Jennie, as always, using her
acute mother’s hearing was to suggest the removal of the hurt finger and
its replacement with a teething toy.

We were able to share many lunchtimes with Matilda, Esther and William
on our regular Wednesday visits. Matilda always showed an ability to
willingly finish off any of her siblings’ unwanted crumpets, toast and
sandwich crusts. Often Matilda would be the best possible table
decoration when she sat in her table top baby seat in the middle of the
table eagerly watching and reaching out to those eating all around her.

Carolyn remembers that, near Christmas, she felt safe eating a mince
pie but, unbeknown to her, Matilda had spotted an opportunity to eat a
little for her.

At FunTrain Matilda gave everyone the impression, such was her
obvious enjoyment, that the songs and movement were there purely for
her entertainment.

And even more memories from Mummy x

Rest in peace my beautiful angel. I love you so much x

13 thoughts on “Memories of Matilda Mae

  1. Jennie, Matilda was such a happy, inquisitive, friendly and cheeky looking baby from these photos ; a barrel of fun. I can see how much you love her and how much she enjoyed all the fabulous experiences you provided for her from the photos. I can’t imagine how you feel but I want you to know that I think you and your husband are one of a kind. You have moved me to tears with your posts and I wish you were not going through what has happened. I know that you have been incredibly strong and you have gained strength from your on line community. I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you. Lots of love x x x x

  2. Matilda Mae is one of the cutest little girls i have ever seen. She has such soul and spirit that will live on for a very long time. I have been on this earth 32 years and don’t think i have even made half the impact that MM has on the world… there is something very special about your little girl – sleep tight sweet Angel xxx

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