Hippomoos and Duckodiles!

I was going to call this post ‘Putting Normal on Hold’ but Hippomoos and Duckodiles sounds much more fun.

We did have fun today.

We had to put normal on hold because of the snow, an unexpected lie in and a power cut.

All little gifts from Matilda Mae?

Who knows but certainly things that helped make today a good day.

Firstly the lie in.

It was gone half past eight before Esther and William got up.

Unheard of recently.

But they are a bit poorly and incredibly whingey at the moment so perhaps it is to do with that.

It was nice, whatever the reason might be.

As we were having our morning play, with the railway of course(!) all the lights went out.

In sub zero temperatures with snow falling outside we had a power cut.


Well, yes it was actually.

We had nothing to do but be together.

And so we did.

We were.

And it was lovely.

We got out all our games and puzzles and we played together.

Esther and William love jigsaws at the moment.

Esther is much better at piecing a puzzle together and William loves talking about what he sees.

When the picture of a puzzle is complete we use it to make up songs or play I Spy types of games.

One of our most beautiful jigsaws has taken on a whole new meaning for us as a family now. It plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Funny how something can pull at your heart so much in the midst of a happy game.

One of the puzzles today involved fairies with wings and we talked about how this picture might be like what life is like for Tilda now. Playing with other children in the sky.

Esther and William seemed to like that idea.

Mummy did too.

We played one of our favourite games which is Who Knows Whose Nose but we ended up just making each other laugh by making silly animals like Elemoos, Hippophants and Duckodiles. Esther thought she was very funny when she made a Cowcow!! I love my children so much. Tilda would have loved stealing all the noses in this game.

We had a lovely morning before the twins went off to preschool and I had an hour to myself to think about Tilda Mae.

I thought about her lots today even though I was smiling and laughing for much of the day.

Love you Baby Tilda x

Did you have fun in heaven today?

11 thoughts on “Hippomoos and Duckodiles!

  1. It’s so lovely to hear you had a nice day with the twins, that you managed a few smiles, and that you encorporated memories of Tilda into those games. You are such a strong family with big hearts and beautiful souls. I hope I one day will have the honour of meeting you. I’m also very glad you find comfort in the poem. Xx

  2. This has made me smile tonight. I’m glad today was a better day. There will be dark days and light days but there will always be your beautiful memories of Matilda. You have so many beautiful memories and I’m glad you got time to think about her xxx

  3. What a lovely post and what beautiful twins you have! Indeed what very special jigsaws they have – I just love the thought of the Twinkle, twinkle one – how very special. But most of all lovely to read such a happy post following all the sadness. You are a great Mummy, sad days will happen but those will make you appreciate the happier ones even more. Take care and as many have said, take each day as it comes and don’t expect too much of yourself. xx

  4. My 2 year old is just getting his head around jigsaw puzzles. Before he used to get angry when his sister would put them together and he would stomp over and break them up. But now he wants to play with them and is good at figuring out the pieces. I love the look of your animal nose one – I will have to hunt that one out! Animal noises are a big hit here! I’ve started singing twinkle twinkle every day to my littlest. I get the others to sing it with me and I will always think of Matilda when we sing. I hope our various out of tune renditions makes her giggle xx

  5. a lovely post jennie it bought a smile to my face and Esther and William look like they were having so much fun wonderful photos once againxxx

  6. Jennie, sounds like this was sent to you as a gift after the week you had at the beginning. Jennie, I don’t know how to contact you. But we spoke some time ago when Amelia was born the day after Esther and William, she was also prem, I remember you calming me when we spoke on fertility friends. I wondered if I could help with one of your walks on the 11th May? I live on Windsor Great Park and work for The Crown Estate, there is no other things organised that day as I have checked, my husband is a military pti and between us both we would like to try and organise something here that people could come to, finishing with a family picnic in the park. I would have to fill out relevant permission forms but if it was accepted would this be okay? I’ve been meaning to ask you and didn’t know the right time. X

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