Messy Play: Toddler Paint Balling

Today instead of messy play we did some messy art.

Plum sent us a playhouse for Matilda Mae’s garden and it came in an enormous box and I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it!

Paint with balls!

Inside the large box I stuck down some different coloured sugar paper and put some splodges of different coloured paint. Esther and William helped to choose the colours. Purple, white, green and red. A lovely combination!


I had bought the balls for this activity ages ago and we had just been waiting for a big enough box.

The balls were dog balls with squeakers inside but the important thing about them was that they had different raised patterns and different textures. We also used some larger sensory balls and some of the balls from our ball pool.

We rolled the balls in the paint and then rolled them across the paper chasing the balls around the box. This was a great physical and creative activity developing imaginations and motor skills. A lovely way to spend the hour just before bath time!

Painting with Balls

It was quite good fun but the balls were not really heavy enough to leave good pattern and splodges on the paper.

We needed something with a more dramatic effect.

I did not need to suggest twice that Esther and William might like to take off their trousers and tights and get in the box!

They were in there like a shot!

Squelching in the paint and walking around the box leaving multicoloured footprints and patterns behind them.

Much more satisfying process and a quicker, more definite result.

Painting with Feet

Esther and William thoroughly enjoyed the process of messy painting though this time the product was not that spectacular.

End Product

I do have an idea for making the end product better though and we are going to do it on Sunday so watch this space!!

9 thoughts on “Messy Play: Toddler Paint Balling

  1. This looks fantastic! I must be braver with letting my little ones get messy in the house, yours look like they’re having so much fun!

    I’ve been reading your blog for several months now, but have never commented before as I often feel like i’m intruding (which is ridiculous considering i’m a blogger too!), but I so admire your ability to come up with such creative ideas for your children, despite your recent tragic circumstances. I think you’re amazing. We could all learn a lot from you.


  2. This looks so much fun. You have so many funtastic ideas Jennie! I think this this really therapeutic and would like to have a go myself. Think it would be good for Reilie and myself to get messy 🙂

  3. I wish you did a messy play club. Your messy play sessions always sound so fun. I’m not brave enough to let my two messy play at home. I can’t seem to find messy play clubs anywhere!

  4. Was looking for some ideas for messy play and came across your blog. You have such great ideas, we’re going to make moon sand tomorrow 🙂 I was also so sorry to read about your little Matilda, her pictures are adorable x

  5. i found your blog through a friend of a friend’s facebook, and would just like to tell you what an exemplary mummy you are, despite everything you and your family are going through right now, you still have an amazing power to make every day fun and exciting for your children. if having a second mummy was allowed, i’d choose you as mine!!

  6. Pingback: Paint-balling in the Tuff Spot | Ghostwritermummy

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