Twins on Toddlebikes

This time last year Esther and William had not been walking for very long at all and we were just starting to experiment with reins.

This week last year I was almost 35 weeks pregnant and I was spending lots of time with Esther and William at Leeds Castle, which is where we went today.

Today I think Esther and William walked further than they ever have before.


They had their beloved Toddlebikes!

Have you seen a Toddlebike? It is the most amazing thing. So simple in structure and use.

Twin Toddle Bikers!

It is a pre-balance bike for toddlers. Esther and William are almost too old to benefit from such a bike but because of their prematurity and because they are so very small it is actually proving to be the perfect way to get them moving and to prepare them for riding a bike.

Toddlebikes can be used indoors or outside.

The Toddlebike is so light that toddlers can carry it around themselves. I think Esther and William enjoy doing this as much as they enjoy riding on it!

Today we took the Toddlebikes out of the house for the very first time.

We went to Leeds Castle, a favourite family place.

It was good to go there with a mission to complete as it meant I was not too sad about Tilda not being there. She loved it at Leeds Castle. We all do.

As soon as we told Esther and William that we were going out on their bikes their excitement bubbled.

They biked through the house and to the front door.

They each carried their bikes carefully down the steps and then rode them to the car.

To the Car!

They cried when we told them that they had to get off to go in the car but were comforted by the fact they could actually put them in the car by themselves. That is how light they are!

William seriously wanted to hold his bike in the car all the way to the castle.

They truly do LOVE their Toddlebikes, almost as much as they love their engines!

Once we got to the castle gardens Esther and William were very keen to get on their bikes.

They toddled along the winding wooden path, uphill and downhill, with great balance and control. And with huge smiles on their faces. They were very proud to be out in the world on their bikes.

Through the Deep Dark Woods

They tried their Toddlebikes on different terrains. Bumpy path, smooth path, wooden bridges, woodchips, cobblestones. Esther liked the smooth paths best, she loved to go really fast. William liked the bumpy tracks and loved lifting his bike up kerbs and over obstacles. Both twins had such fun and so much exercise!

Toddler Terrain Testing

William was very keen to bike right up to our favourite tree, where we played Peekaboo with Tilda, when I had all three of my owl babies together. This tree, we say, is the home of the baby owls.

Tilda’s Tree

Esther and William toddled so far on their bikes today and at times they really picked up the pace. We all had a wonderful afternoon stroll and even enjoyed some sunshine. And when little legs were tired the Toddlebikes attached to the buggy with ease and did not make it any heavier to push. They really were a simple, stress free addition to our day.

Just Hangin’

The Toddlebikes also added a lot of amusement to our day and to many passers by who smiled or commented on the cuteness of the twins together on their bikes. William had a lot of fun pushing his bike along and then chasing it, pushing it again and running after it. Esther walked her bike for ages much like many people walk a dog. They just generally had a wonderful time.


All the while exercising their bodies, breathing crisp fresh air and soaking up sun and vitamin D.

Today was a good day and we are totally besotted with our Toddlebikes.

Esther and William are part of the 2013 Toddlebike Trial. Keep an eye on the blog for our forthcoming Toddlebike adventures and to hear the opinions of other Toddlebike Testers you can follow the Facebook page here.

We were sent two Toddlebikes free of charge for the purpose of this review.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

38 thoughts on “Twins on Toddlebikes

  1. Toddlebikes are fab but my daughter will NOT sit on hers properly; she always sits on the crossbar, which means she can’t go far or fast! We’re off to the New Forest next week and will take the bike with us in the hope she can get the technique sorted.

  2. Looks like they are really enjoying their bikes. We are joining in too, I have just received mine at Coombe Mill and can’t wait to put them round the larger properties and in the play areas on our changeover day tomorrow. Hope you will join me on Country Kids and spread the toddle bike and outdoor fun message.

  3. Looks like you all had fun. Leeds castle is beautiful. It holds a special place in my heart too, I went there with my dad when I was in hospital in Kent. It was the last place we visited together. Such lovely memories for me. Such lovely photos in this post and I wanted to give you a hug too. xxx

  4. i have something very similar for my little boy. he is pretty much outgrown it now, but it is still his firm favourite. he is behind with his development and small for his age (4 years old but on a 2.5 years old level) . he had really bad issues with his balance due to his hipotonia and central nervous system problems and these kind of bikes are just fab for kids with similar issues. i remember the first time he sat n it, couldnt move or do anything but he just kept trying and one da he got the idea of pushing it with his little legs and literally ended up like some mad little man going down hils etc. 🙂 they really are fab. ours isa plastic little motorbike, but pretty similar to this ( we bought it abroad ) . sounds like you had real fun and the twins must have been sooo cute with these around . x

  5. Ah they look great. I wish luka had one3 of those when he was younger. He had a balance bike but never got the hang of it and seems too big now. Sounds like you had a lovely day and i love the photos by the tree


  6. What beautiful photos of you all enjoying your day out and getting some sun. I love Leeds Castle, it’s such a magical place to go. The Toddlebikes look like great fun, I can imagine my 2 year old would love to try one!

  7. It looks like you had a beautiful day! The twins seem to be loving their toddlebikes. We are taking part too but not had the chance to take it outdoors yet as we still have lots of snow! I can’t wait for it to go so we can begin our toddlebike adventures!! Xxx

  8. This looks like a lovely day – so pleased you all enjoyed the sun and fresh air, it looks like a great place. And the toddle bikes look fab – going to investigate one of these soon for Isobel xx

  9. Hi! Just found your wonderful blog via Jo at Toddlebikes. Your photos are brilliant – looks like such a fun day out!
    We’re also spreading the ToddleBike message on our family cycling website Cycle Sprog ( – they’re great aren’t they.
    Enjoy the rest of the Easter holiday with the twins x

  10. Thomas has got a ToddleBike. His legs are a bit short so he can’t really use it outside yet as he can’t move far. Looking forward to the summer though when we can hopefully have as much fun as you did 🙂

    Visiting from Country Kids

  11. They look like great fun. We jumped in for my wee man’s second birthday and got him a balance bike which he loves. It’s a great way to experience the outdoors a bit differently and such good exercise!

  12. Those look really brilliant and I love that they are so light that little people can pick them up. I bet they were pooped after all that exercise. I love the photo of you by the tree. Looks like a place you will always have fun at x

  13. They look brilliant. We had a balance bike for our boys, the older one never really got the hang of it but our younger boy loved it – would whizz along on it! He can now ride a bike quite happily (his big brother has a way to go!). These look like a great starter bike, will investigate for the wee girl! Love the photos, especially your owl tree xx #CountryKids

  14. Those toddle bikes look awesome. My boy had a balance bike, now to make the leap to a proper bike. Yikes! That’s for husband to do as I don’t have the patience! Leeds castle looks like a lovely place and so lovely for you to have memories of Matilda there too x
    I follow you on Pinterest but have never really nosed around your blog! I flew in via Country Kids 😉

  15. They look so much fun, I like the fact that they’re a precursor to a balance bike which The Boy never had confidence with. William and Esther look like they’re really enjoying toddling along with them. Beautiful sunny day to enjoy them as well.

    Nipping over from the Country Kids linky, would love a return visit.

  16. those bikes look ideal for two active children and i love two they are small enough to fit neatly into your boot. look at all that sunshine too – that helps make a trip out more enjoyable. glad you all had a wonderful time together lovely x x

  17. Oh wow those toddlebikes looks amazing, I think my toddler would love one, may need to be my next purchase. Looks like you had such fun and what a beautiful day, finally looks like spring is here. Just popping over from the country kids linky

    Laura x

  18. Our toddlebike arrived yesterday on your recommendation, my 2 year old loves it! Perfect for whizzing around the house. Just need some good weather now to give it a try outside.

  19. Pingback: In memory of Matilda Mae - Cycle Sprog

  20. Pingback: Lovely Lovely Leeds | Edspire

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