A Woman’s Body Can Be So Cruel

First a baby dies

But the body does not know

The arms ache for the baby

The heart longs for the baby

The breasts produce milk for the baby

The woman tries to control the milk

Gradually reducing the amount that she makes

Trying to avoid blockage, inflammation, infection

The breasts ache with heaviness

Until all too soon they ache with emptiness

No more milk is produced

The body understands

The baby is gone

The body starts to adapt

No more baby to feed and to nourish

Time for a clear out

Time to refresh

Time to rebuild

The body cramps

Adds physical pain to the crippling emotional sores

The body bleeds

Ridding the body of the last of the baby

Ripping and tearing at the mother’s heart

The body begins to strengthen again

Making itself ready to make something new

Declaring it’s readiness all too soon

To grow, develop, feed and nourish another new baby

The head is not ready

The heart is not ready

But the body aggressively forces itself on

The brain gets to thinking

Maybe we can do this

Head, heart, body, soul

Maybe we can be ready

To give life to another young being

The body tries

Does what it needs

In order for new life to be created

Then with a gush of red

It cruelly declares to the heart and the mind and the soul

You have convinced yourself that you are ready

But I have tricked you

I am not

And I may never be

Another cycle in much the same vein

Another bloody declaration of disappointment and despair

A decision is made to try another way

Again the body shows it’s power

As the cycle ends and the signal does not come

The heart yearns

The soul soars

The mind ticks

The body laughs

It has cruelly fooled the brain into thinking and the heart into loving

But it is not to be

There is nothing

The declaration is being withheld for no other reason

Than to cruelly taunt the heart and the mind

Making no sense

And adding to an already hurt and confused state of emotions

A woman’s body can be so cruel

So so bloody and cruel

The mind ticks ….

12 thoughts on “A Woman’s Body Can Be So Cruel

  1. If this means what I think it means, I would say this: Grief is an arduous bitch of a process which wreaks havoc on your immune system and every other system in your body and puts you under extreme stress. And as long a time as it feels to you suffering so much every day as you, you are not so very far through this process, really. It’s such a short time for your body to have the chance to recover, to grow strong mentally, physically, spiritually… You must be kinder to your body and yourself!!! Time seems so slow to you now, but there are cycles and waves of energy all the time, even in those of us not grieving which dictate when new things start and when things end, all kinds of things! A time when things stall and a time when things flow… all of us suffer from this! Yesterday my phone didn’t work. It wouldn’t switch off or on. I had done a lot of crying because I am upset about letting Gabi down with his schooling and we might have to move out of our flat and I was stressed! I firmly believe all that energy in the room caused the phone to malfunction… today, it switched on fine 🙂 Just the same, let your energy balance itself in it’s own time and be gentle and forgiving and patient with your body and yourself. So easy to say and SO hard to do… Ha! I know, easy to type and not be in it. Thinking of you and sending you healing energy and love. x x xx x (Wow, what a hippy comment today ;-))

  2. I’m so sorry sweetie. A woman’s body truly can be so cruel. I so dearly wish it wasn’t so. All my love & strength xx

  3. Oh Jennie, I know it’s so very hard when you want something like this and your body doesn’t give you what you want but please be kind to yourself. So little time has passed and your body has been through so much and will continue to do so for a long time. Stress, anxiety etc. all have a huge impact on our bodies. It was anxiety with me that made me struggle a little to conceive TC. I am sending you positive vibes as well as love and strength xx

  4. I’m so sorry :'(. I understand the pain that comes when the body seems to taunt you month after month. Praying for you.xx

  5. Very powerful post – I can totally relate to it. Currently making the decision to lose the last of my baby belly left over from Finley, shared with his sister, and now finally time to come back to me. Maybe there will never be another baby for me. I am not brave enough yet

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