May Is Almost Over

It is almost over

The month of May

It seems to have lasted forever

It has not yet been a month since Baby Tilda’s first birthday

The day we sent her ashes to the sea

Time just seems to have stopped

Stood still

Since the night her little boat set sail.

I am mostly feeling numb at the moment

Making it through day by day

But feeling numb

I have no appetite for food

I am eating

But I am not tasting

I am playing with my children

Going through the motions of games and play

I am hearing their laughter

But nothing feels funny or fun.

I think it is finally sinking in

That Tilda is never coming back

There is nothing I can do to change what has happened

There is no way back for us to how things were before

There is only onwards



May is almost over

On Sunday Baby Tilda should be 13 months old

Instead she will be 4 months dead

In 5 months time she will have been dead longer than she was alive

I am dreading that day

I dread everyday

Every day is another day

Another long day

Without my baby girl

It is not right for a mother to outlive her child

The world just never looks right again

How can it do?

When the heart of your world is missing?

I love all my children equally

The hole is huge

That has been ripped in my heart

Our family

Our lives

It cannot be mended

There is no way to stop the pain

You just live with it

Day by day

Sometimes raw

Sometimes dull

Sometimes searing

Sometimes numb

May is almost over

June will soon be begun

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Life goes on without you Matilda Mae

But not for me

Time just seems to have stopped

Stood still

Since the night your little boat set sail

Miss you Matilda Mae x

19 thoughts on “May Is Almost Over

  1. This has brought tears to my eyes, as it often does when I think of baby Tilda and her short, very significant life. I just wish you didn’t have to go through this, I really do xxx

  2. I wish she was with you too, it is so horribly unfair that she isn’t. Thinking of you and sending love. Xxx

  3. I have silently read your blog, your tweets without commenting directly. I only heard of you & your blog after Matilda Mae was already gone. In fact, I found it when a tweet about the relaunch of The Lullaby Trust caught my eye. Since that moment I can honestly say there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t thought about you & your loss. Not a single day when I am not in absolute awe of your strength & blind courage. Not a single day that I haven’t wept for your pain & your beautiful baby. Everyday you move me. Everyday I am amazed by you & the sheer raw power of your pain. I cannot & do not pretend to know your pain, just mean that the power & strength of it radiates in what you so eloquently write. I hope I don’t offend you by commenting, I only mean for you to see & understand that as alone as you undoubtably feel, there are people who think of you everyday & wish for you to have some peace, even though we don’t always make ourselves heard. I am humbled by your grace & dignity, even though you feel the world has ended.
    Everyday I look to the sky & wonder what Matilda Mae is doing & sometimes I even build the courage to say hello to her, after all, if it were my baby in heaven I’d like to think other people would think of her too. So what I am trying to say, though not at all well is that as alone as you feel, I and many others are with you in spirit.

  4. Hi. I found your blog on netmums, blog of the week a few days ago. I read it with tears streaming down my face. It touched my heart so much. My baby is nearly 9 months. I am so desparately sorry for your loss. I feel angry for you that your baby was taken from you and I have been thinking about your gorgeous baby girl since i read your blog. She looked beautiful. X

  5. Hi Jennie,
    I feel so unqualified to comment, but some how find it hard to just leave without saying anything. In all this, I wish I could offer a word of comfort to soothe the numbness. May you rest tonight, and wake tomorrow with a heart healed a little more than it was today. And may you find yourself again in the midst of the aching. With love x Ange

  6. I think of Matilda Mae when we blow bubbles in the garden. I think of her when I wear my pink star scarf. I think of her when I see purple flowers.

    I didn’t know Matilda Mae in person, only through your blog, and yet these things, things that are important to you as a family that you shared with us, remind me most days of her, and you, and your loss – so I cannot begin to imagine how hard each day is for you without her.

    Thinking of you x

  7. I know I’ve said this before but while time isn’t a healer as such it helps you learn to cope with that gaping hole. I hope with time the dark cloud lifts slightly and you will be able to enjoy the simple things in life again xx

  8. Oh Jennie, my heart breaks for you every day. I can’t imagine a day when I won’t weep for you and baby Tilda who was stolen away. Like so many of your online friends, I feel ill-qualified and at a loss for words of comfort, but can’t not comment. You should know how significant Matilda Mae and you have become in so many lives. Bless you all, and may love and friendship soothe your poor aching heart just a little, today and every day. With love, Jilly xxx

  9. I know I’ve never met you or had the joy to meet Matilda, but she really looks like you in this picture, so beautiful and thoughtful. In my thoughts everyday Jennie and my pink and purple flowers in my garden are for your baby Tilda… both have touched so many people’s lives x x

  10. Oh Jennie, I am so so sorry. I read every post you write, but I don’t always comment – I often just don’t know what to say that can in anyway help. But perhaps just a quick word to let you know that I’m reading and thinking of you, and Tilda, is enough xx

  11. jennie- I have been reading your blog since your little girl died- I came across it through a reference on another blog. My heart goes out to you and your family, but especially to you. I dont know how you are going to reconcile living your life with the death of your baby girl. I just dont know and I have no advice to give you. Words seem to help you, as in writing it all down, and you have such a powerful writing voice. it really is amazing. Your pain is tangible, I can almost imagine myself in your shoes and I wish with all my heart that things were not as they are for you. You dont need me, or anyone else, to validate how you feel or what you write about. You are such an inspirational person but we all know that you would far prefer to have your little Tilda here rather than random people telling you how brillant you are. I just wanted to let you know that you and all of your family have touched our lives and we wish you all happy and joyful lives. Your posts have reminded me of an American saying “fake it till you make it” and the way that you are rearing your twins is definately reminisant of that. Well done and best wishes .

  12. Jennie, I can’t stop thinking about you and your family and Matilda Mae. I discovered your blog through a friend, as she knew I was starting my own and I lost a baby at 20 weeks. I have no idea where you get your strength from, but you’re an inspiration to us all. I sat today reading your posts, tears streaming down my face and hugging my baby boy Arthur, thanking God for him.
    I’ve put your logo for Messy Play onto and will also do the same with my other site I’d like to know how I may get involved in the Lullaby Trust if at all?
    Bless you and your family and stay strong.

    Sarah xxxx

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