Flying with Angels: Guest Post from Team Matilda Mae

Today I am proud to introduce Vicx, one ninth of Team Matilda Mae.

The day after tomorrow I will be jumping out of a plane with 8 other unique and wonderful ladies and I’ve never met any of them.

Susanne I’ve known for over 4 years, we’ve been through more highs and lows than I can remember. We’ve known each other even before Ghostwriter Mummy began her journey. When she talks of a group of special online friends she talks about the group to which I am very privileged to be a member of, and I cant wait to meet her. I cant wait to meet all of them. Over the past few months I have witnessed what the power of words of people can do. I’m overwhelmed and a little bit daunted to meet these individually amazing women, especially Jennie.

I didn’t start reading Jennie’s blog until the day after Matilda Mae grew wings. It was Sue’s anguish and feeling of helplessness that drew me to it. Not because I’m nosy but because I’ve been in Sue’s position before. 4 years ago my best friend’s baby daughter grew wings in the same way, she was 17 weeks old. I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. The words “she’s dead” will forever haunt my nightmares, not the words but the broken heart that was on the other end of the line. It was 2am. I live 200 miles away from my best friend and I drove through the night to get to her. I was met with the shell of my best friend. A person on autopilot, she could walk, she could talk but she wasn’t there. I remember holding her hand whilst we went to say goodbye to Polly. She said afterwards, a few weeks later, that nothing became real until I held Polly and looked up, the look in my eyes made everything real.

I didn’t really think about SIDS before then. It hadn’t been something I worried about. I was 10 weeks pregnant with my daughter when Polly grew wings.

When my daughter was born it was all I could think about. I would watch her for hours whilst she slept, had a bedside cot so I could watch her all night. I was so nervous when she decided she wanted to sleep alone around 11 weeks old. She’s still headstrong like that now. I was the same when my youngest son was born and he still bed shares, age 2.

I suppose what I’m saying is it took an angel for me to wake up to SIDS, it took two to make me want to help. I jump to bring awareness to many more. To try in any way to help prevent more hearts being broken, families being incomplete, parents with empty arms.

Please support Vicx as she joins 8 other amazing ladies to jump out of a plane for Matilda Mae, to raise awareness of SIDS and to raise money for The Lullaby Trust.

Please sponsor Team Matilda Mae and follow us on Twitter this weekend.

Please catch us as we fall.

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