Bubbles for Baby Tilda

Too many people lose babies

Too many parents lose children

Too many loved ones lose someone dear

People choose to mark anniversaries and milestones in different ways

People choose different things for different reasons

Often because of something important that has happened to them

Choices are often guided by people we love

By things that we believe or feel passionately about

Baby Tilda loved bubbles

Baby Tilda loved lights

She looked super cute in purple and pink

She was and always will be our Star of the Sea

These are the things that matter for Tilda

These are the things we have chosen to use

To preserve her memory

To celebrate her life and

To mark anniversaries and milestones after her death.

Bubbles for Baby Tilda.

Pink and purple stars.

Bubbles are a wonderful way to mark special occasions.

They are easy to blow when I am feeling lost or sad.

I never go anywhere now without at least one pot of bubbles.

People all over the country, the world, think of Matilda Mae

Whenever a bubble is blown.

It is and always will be bubbles for Baby Tilda.

Because she loved them

Because Esther and William still do

Because they are like kisses that float to the sky

A sphere that can carry a hope or a dream

They link sky and water

They bring happiness and joy

Each bubble contains a rainbow.

It will always be bubbles for Baby Tilda.

It has always been.

Another reason that bubbles are chosen

Is because David and I are not keen on lanterns or balloons.

I do not get the same joy or comfort from a candle as others do.

I am too aware of the dangers of lanterns and balloons.

To use them when I am thinking of Tilda.

This does not mean I do not respect other people’s opinions

I do not protest if other people release balloons or lanterns to the sky

I understand the symbolism and importance

I understand that when someone is grieving they have to do what is right for them

But lanterns and balloons are not for me

They are not for Baby Tilda.

Bubbles for Baby Tilda.

Bubble kisses to the sky.

Each containing a wish, a hope, a dream

Each one carrying a rainbow.

Bubbles for Baby Tilda.

Someone wrote this poem for me and it is perfect for today xx

Bubbles for Matilda

Esther and William are blowing bubbles Matilda,
And Mummy and Daddy are too,
And each and every bubble Matilda
Is a kiss – just for you.

Look at the wonderful bubbles Matilda,
Can you see them, can you see?
Look at the wonderful bubbles Matilda,
Floating high and free.

Endless streams of kisses Matilda,
Endless ,endless streams.
Can you reach out and catch one Matilda?
Are bubbles in your dreams?

And although the bubbles will disappear,
The kisses will stay in your heart,
For love lasts forever
True love never parts.

Mummy and Daddy will have sad days,
There will be many, many more tears,
But love is a bond that cannot be broken,
Not by time, not by days, not by years.

And in time Matilda, in time,
They will smile at your name,
They will smile at the precious memories,
For memories stay the same.

Esther and William are blowing bubbles Matilda,
And Mummy and Daddy are too,
And each and every bubble Matilda
Is a kiss – just for you.

Precious dear Matilda,
You’ve touched many hearts
Precious dear Matilda
Good night,
Sleep tight,

15 thoughts on “Bubbles for Baby Tilda

  1. And we too, blow bubbles and we think of Matilda … We all blew them the other day and drew pictures in purple and pink for your little angel blowing bubbles, laughing in the sky, wrote her name Matilda Mae and thought and prayed for all of you.

    Xxxxxxxxxx beautiful post and what a beautiful poem xxxxxxxxx

  2. What a lovely surprise seeing my poem Jennie! When I wrote it for you I could really picture Matilda smiling and reaching out to catch them. I’ve said before that not a day goes by without me thinking of you, sometimes with a trigger but mostly just because you are in my thoughts. We had some branches in our garden from pruning back a tree so at the weekend I made a big star sculpture binding them together with twine – it is now in the bottom of our garden so I will think of MM whenever I look at it. I so wish things were different for you lovely, lovely lady xx

  3. Bubbles are always for Tilda now, it’s just such a lovely way of remembering such a beautiful girl. I love the fact that they bring such joy to little ones too, it is a really good tool of connection to that gorgeous baby gone too soon xx

  4. Bubbles are so innocent, so unspoilt, so simply made from water and soap but make such a magical thing. “Keep smiling at troubles because troubles are bubbles and bubbles always blow away”. I wish this was true for all your troubles Jennie x

  5. Pingback: Julie's Notebook - My random blog. – Bubbles

  6. Beautiful and I just love that poem.

    We took bubbles out with us today, I think they will forever remind me of Matilda. I did try and take some photos to share over twitter however I failed quite miserably-they came out awful! xx

  7. Wonderful poem as ever Jenny. I keep meaning to write to you to see how you are post Britmums, all the emotions that that brought to the fore. It was wonderful to meet you darling.
    We have just bought a bubble machine of industrial proportions and I think of Matilda Mae every time we get it out.
    H x

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