Introducing The Mega Ramp

Last year I posted about what fun we all had with ramps and bridges.

As time went on the cardboard ramp became rather battered and we needed a replacement.

We tried a large wrapping paper roll for a while and then one day when Daddy was on toddler duty he decided to make a new ramp and to do it properly, with wood.

For ages the wooden mega ramp lived in our playroom propped up on a chair.

Until one day Daddy made a stand for the mega ramp and we moved it outside.

Esther and William love the mega ramp and it is always popular with their friends and cousins who come to play.

Introducing The Mega Ramp

We use The Mega Ramp for all sorts of play and through our play comes much learning.

We learn about speed and travel.

We have learned that different shaped objects travel in different ways.

Some things roll down the ramp, some things slide, some things do not move at all.

Some things make a lovely sound, like the Poc Pocs from Abney and Teal.

If things travel down the ramp into water they land with a wonderful splosh!

Cars are the best things for travelling down a ramp

Though some fall with speed and others linger longer on their descent.

The Mega Ramp is a great slide for teddies and dolls.

It has been known for toddlers to try it too

But it is not really strong enough to repetitively take their weight!!

We like to use The Mega Ramp for counting.

The cars can have numbers attached to them and we send them down the ramp in numerical order.

We are going to start doing it with letters soon too.

Esther and William are good at ordering using the words first, second and third.

The Mega Ramp can also be used for sequencing how cars or balls travel down the ramp.

We like sorting balls by colour for example.

The Mega Ramp is also great for conversation and sharing observation.

It is a wonderful tool for imaginary play.

As Esther and William grow so too will our activities and experiments based on and around The Mega Ramp.

If you had a Mega Ramp how would you use yours?

6 thoughts on “Introducing The Mega Ramp

  1. Brilliant! You do realise that as they get older the mega ramp will be used as the basis for lots of star wars and soilder battles?! My boys are 9 and 7 and would LOVE to have this to add to their armoury!


  2. My monkeys would love a ramp like this! The youngest especially. They would use it for their cars and trains and stones from the garden! What a fab way to keep children busy!!

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