Aunty Flo (written 17th July 2013)

She arrived yesterday

Aunty Flo

Why do we call it that?

Does anyone know?

She brought with her

A rollercoaster of emotions

A tangle of feelings

To be carefully combed through

Picked out

It is time to seal the bubble

If this is going to work

I need to surround myself with people who care

People who can help

I need to focus my energy

On getting my mind and body ready

To grow new life

It is easier said than done

To forget the people who have hurt me

But I have to really try

There is nothing more important in the world right now

Than helping my little family survive and grow

So I’m on my way to London

Day 2 of many days

Somewhere between 20 and 60

Til we get our embryos back

Assuming they survive the thaw

This could all be for nothing

If they do not do that


On top of everything else

We must be ready for that

Another devastating loss

If at some point in this process

Our precious embryos do not survive.

2 thoughts on “Aunty Flo (written 17th July 2013)

  1. I never realised what a long, arduous and painful journey this was. I never realised all that you had to go through and how precarious it all was. Your writing, as always, is so beautiful and I hope that someone who is going through the same will read this and feel supported.

  2. I have 5 embryos frozen and I know that if I’m ever lucky enough to try for another baby, there is a chance the they won’t survive the thaw. Its such a difficult and emotional time, even without the complicated science of it.

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