Accepting Help After a Miscarriage or ERPC

When you are discharged from hospital after an ERPC
They tell you that you should not be on your own for 24 to 48 hours.
They tell you not to drive for 48 hours.

When you are discharged from hospital after an ERPC
Your main priority is to get home as fast as you can
To start being useful to your family again

Turns out these doctors and nurses know what they are talking about
I have not yet been home for 48 hours
And I am of no use to my family

My head is aching constantly
If I try to do too much I sweat but get chills
I have no enthusiasm for playing with my toddlers

I have cramps and pain
That is worse when I move
I need to do everything really slowly

I am hungry but have no appetite
I cannot think what I might like to eat
I cannot think about anything much
Without it ending in tears

Everything feels like more effort than it should
I am craving a bed, a book, TV

I am trying so hard to just sit on the sofa
But it is really not easy with three year old twins

By the time they are sleeping
In the earliest evening
I roll into a ball
Unable to move

I hope you never experience a heart break like mine
But if you ever do
Please take heed of your medical team
They really do know what is best for you

9 thoughts on “Accepting Help After a Miscarriage or ERPC

  1. I wish I could hug you right now, really I do. I’m sobbing wishing I could make you feel better in whatever way I possibly could if I was near you.
    Take you’re time sweetheart. And if blogging about this helps you in any way then do it. x

  2. Sending my best wishes for what they are worth.
    Take it easy, tell people around you and further afield what you need. If you can’t say it, write it down.
    This time will pass and knowing you, you will harness it to help others and you have already made a start. For now, listen to your body, mind and spirit.

  3. Please take the time you need to recover from the ERPC and be kind to yourself. Sending lots of love and hugs to try to help you through this loss too. Wishing you your rainbow soon. Xxxxx

  4. Oh Jennie, Please rest your body and your heart beautiful lady. I’ve been there, I did too much, I ended up back in hospital with haemorrhage and the pain was so raw, and is almost 5 years on. Sending you love, and so much hope xxx

  5. It’s been about 7 weeks since my miscarriage and I still feel tired & run down. I’ve been pushing myself & wanting to get back ‘to normal’…but you can’t push yourself, your body will stop you. It’s very hard with children at home, you do just want to crawl into bed. It’s hard enough with one 4 yr old…must be even harder with 3yr old twins. All I can say is eat well, take an iron supplement like Spatone (seriously couldn’t have got through the blood loss without it) & try and rest. take care of yourself xx

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