Introducing Beebies Baby Store

When Matilda Mae was first born I did a review for a very young local business owner.

Ami Holt runs an online business called Beebies Baby Store.

Here she sells an ever growing array of things you will need from pregnancy through preschool and beyond.

On top of running her business she works a full time job and also finds time to support charity events most recently our welly walk for Matilda Mae and The Lullaby Trust.

Beebies Baby Store did not just donate us products and money, Ami helped with planning and preparing the event, she came to my house to cut and laminate tickets and she went shopping for all the little items that we thought we might need. She also ran many of the fayre games at Beale Park on the day.

She has been an incredible support to me over the last few weeks, months really and I think, I hope that we will continue to work together and be good friends.

Whenever I am with Ami I find it hard to believe that she has only just turned 20 years old. I am old enough to be her mother!!

She is quite simply amazing and I would love for you to support her business if you can.

If you came along to the welly walk at the beginning of the month then you will have found in your information pack Beebies Baby Store Christmas Gift Guide.

I would like to share with you some of the things Ami sells that you might want to buy this Christmas.

I love the idea of having a special Christmas breakfast set for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. This is a set that can be personalised and can be used each year. It can be used for all meals during the festive season and I am certain it would encourage my pesky pair to eat even amidst all the festive excitement and mayhem.

We already own this plate for Father Christmas. My sister bought it for Esther and William on their first Christmas. This year will be the first year when they really understand what it is for. Here they will leave a mince pie for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph and I cannot wait to see their faces in the morning when a bite of each will be gone.

Beebies Baby Store sells this lovely little train set in a box. It includes wooden track, a train and some accessories. It is really very sweet and would be a great travelling toy. It would also be great to take with you if you go to relatives on Christmas Day. For us it would be perfect for taking away to Coombe Mill. I also think it would be great for the inevitable waiting around in restaurants. Toddlers are not built to wait they are designed to be busy and this is the best kind of busy in a carry along box. A fabulous present for any train mad toddler this Christmas.

Take along toys are always handy to have and they are also a good size for stocking fillers. Both of my children would adore this Gruffalo Finger Puppet Set. They already know the story off by heart and are fabulous at making character voices. I think we could all have great fun with this.

Beebies sells some lovely wooden toys including this beautiful dolls pram from Moover. The Moover Dolls Pram was a finalist in this year’s Slow Toy Awards making it into the final Slow Seven. A stunning gift for any mini mummy or daddy. A classic that can be handed down through the years.

Ami sells another of the Slow Toy Seven, the East Coast 5-in-1 Activity Cube. This is a fabulous toy for young toddlers and their use of it will develop and grow with them. A multi purpose toy built to last and to look good in any nursery, lounge or playroom.

Ami sells a wide range of baby and toddler products.

Please do have a look at her website as part of your Christmas shop.

A wonderful new business with fabulous friendly service.

Good luck Beebies and thank you for all you have done for the welly walk in memory of Matilda Mae.

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