The Baby Tilda Barn Dance: What You Need To Know

If you are coming to the Baby Tilda Barn Dance this weekend

We are so looking forward to seeing you

Thank you so much for buying a ticket

Remembering Matilda Mae

And supporting The Lullaby Trust


To make sure that you and your family have the best possible day

Here are some things that you might like to know

1: You do not need to bring paper tickets with you. We have a guest list on the door and you will just need to tell us your name and/or paypal email.

2: If you do not have a ticket but would still like to come along, please do. You will be able to pay on the door between 12 and 1

3: The barn dance starts at 12:00 midday

4: The dancing will begin around 1pm

5: When you arrive you will be able to buy lunch at the BBQ stand and ice cream van, there are meat and vegetarian options available all for less than £4

6: You may like to bring a small picnic lunch with you and that is fine too

7: Afternoon tea is included in your ticket price and will be served from 3.30pm

8: There are free soft drinks and free toddler snacks available throughout the day

9: We are running a three tier raffle with some amazing prizes, please do bring some cash along so that you can join in. All raffle ticket money goes straight to The Lullaby Trust. Tickets will be available at £1, £2 and £5. Our friendly sellers will be able to explain everything you need to know on the day


10: Beebies Baby Store is running The Play Marquee for little ones. This is all free for your children to enjoy apart from a small charge for our face painter.

11: Egerton Village Hall is on a hill overlooking the downs, even on the warmest days it can be a bit chilly and windy so please bring a cardigan or jumper for warmth for playing outside

12: It is looking like a sunny day so please bring hats and sun cream

13: There is a playground next to the hall, please supervise your children if they would like to use this

14: We have a photographer at the event, if you would prefer photos of your children not to appear on the Internet please do let me know, any photos used would not have names attached to them

15: Please do join in with the dancing and support our musicians

16: The address and postcode for the hall is
Elm Close, Egerton,
Ashford, Kent TN27 9DS

17: We have worked really hard on this event and would love for you to come and have a fun day with your friends and family

18: If you tweet or FB or blog about the event please do mention The Lullaby Trust


Thank you so so so much for supporting the Baby Tilda Barn Dance and we really look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes and heartfelt thanks

Jennie x

9 thoughts on “The Baby Tilda Barn Dance: What You Need To Know

  1. Good Luck with this event Jenny, I know how hard you have all worked to pull it all together. I will be thinking of you all on the day, and I am looking forward to seeing the photos and reading your blog about the day.

  2. Sounds like a really fun day. Wish I could come along but just too far away unfortunately. Looking forward to reading all about it and seeing the photos. Xx

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