KBBF 2014: Breastfeeding and Me


In less than seven weeks our Rainbow will be here

In all her glorious colours she will be here

I hope that she will be healthy and well

And we will be able to bring her home

I am looking forward to my bump becoming a baby

I cannot wait to count her little fingers and kiss her tiny toes

I cannot wait to feel the warmth of her

The weight of her

I cannot wait to drink her in

I cannot wait for her to feed from me

My introduction to breastfeeding

Was not an easy one

I expressed milk for my premature twins

For 6 weeks before they were able to start trying to feed themselves

We began with hand expressing

Chasing tiny beads of colostrum with a syringe

Capturing that precious goodness

For our tiny newborn twins

When Esther and William were in their incubators

David and I used to go into a tiny little room

Attach an industrial double breast pump

And milk me like a cow

That is how it felt at the beginning

Not the idea of feeding my babies I had imagined

Had heard about, read about

But in a tiny room

No babies crying for their feed

They were being fed at regular intervals

Through a tube

David was amazing through those early days

I had to express every three hours

Round the clock

For 59 days until our babies came home

And through the night

He would get up with me

Help with the expressing

The container labelling

Storing and freezing

It was not the start to our parenting journey we had hoped for

But we had our motivation

Two tiny babies who needed the goodness from me to grow

So though we woke to an alarm clock

Rather than to our son and daughter crying

The love in what we were doing

The importance of what we were doing

Was still the same

When Esther and William first started to learn to feed from me themselves

It gave me some magical memories that I will treasure for always

The connection I had been longing for was there

I also have funny memories of that time

At first Esther and William had the sucking reflux

But they could not swallow

Precious breast milk ended up everywhere

But it was okay

They were trying

They were learning

They had come so far

We had come so far

By the time we took them home

At 35 weeks

Esther and William were feeding on demand

They continued to do so for 15 months

Until I fell pregnant with their sister

Matilda Mae

Matilda Mae was born at term

She was a little jaundiced when she was born

She fed a lot in the early days

I had cracked nipples and two bouts of mastitis

In the first 9 weeks

But we did not not give up

I would not give in

I wanted to feed her as I had done Esther and William

We soon found our rhythm

And like her brother and sister before her

She loved milk

Tilda had a preferred side and from 6 months I was incredibly lopsided

But I did not mind

Tilda was slow to wean

She much preferred milk to solids

So when she died at 9 months old

She was still demand feeding

We were still


It made losing her all the more difficult

All the more painful

As I was still producing her milk in those earliest days alone

I would cry salty tears into the sink where I was expressing the milk that I no longer had a use for

Breastfeeding has given me an incredible bond with all of my children

I know that I have been lucky to find feeding easy

My body seems to be good at producing milk

At least it has been up until now

Who knows what lies ahead for Rainbow Baby?

But I hope to be able to feed her

As I have her siblings before her

I hope to have that incredible bond

It means the world to me



I hope that it is something I can do

For Rainbow when she comes

To read more about my breastfeeding story

You can read this post about feeding premature twins

To read about breastfeeding from alternative points of view

You might like to try the following

Life With Pink Princesses

Mummy to Boyz

Family Fever

A Baby On Board

My Thoughts on Things


For now I am going to try and get some sleep before Brit Mums Live Day 2. I am quite sad that I have not brought my Theraline Maternity and Nursing Pillow with me. A perfect accessory for anyone pregnant or feeding!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

33 thoughts on “KBBF 2014: Breastfeeding and Me

  1. Thoroughly support the campaign, I fed my first till he was 6 months (had to go back to work) was such a special (and exhausting) time.
    It was the right thing to do for us and I hope to do it again, just hoping I can, there’s always a worry that it won’t work somehow

  2. Thank you so much for sharing that very touching post, I’m crying here while looking at our 3 little ones <3
    I chose to give it my best go as I wanted to give the possible best start in life for the life we created and I carried for 9 months, unfortunately things don't always go the way we want and I ended up pumping (severe reflux, milk intolerance, fussy baby, tongue tie to name a few problems we've had), but at least 2 of our babies have gotten breast milk for 4+ months and one for 3 months until he got his diagnose for reflux and milk intolerance and was put on medication and soy milk thus my milk, which was making him sick was no longer needed.

  3. Because it’s free and after feeding my first it was so I could have the same bond I have with her with my other daughter and again with my son

  4. Pingback: Breastfeeding hacks - simple tips to help with baby feeding |

  5. Follow you and love your blog such honesty

    Bf as it’s meant to be despite issues along the way needing to go private to get a tricky tt snipped this time.
    Exclusively pumped for dd ascouldbt latch so know that feeling of being like a cow being milked but soon got used to it and did for 21mths my milk is best regardless of how they get it x

  6. I didn’t see breastfeeding as a choice, rather just what needed to happen.
    I have often read your posts through a veil of tears. I so hope that all goes well with with your rainbow. x

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