Growing a Rainbow: Bonding With Baby Through Books

I have read to all of our children in the womb

It is something that I truly believe has lead to them all having the advanced language skills that they have

I read at least one story every day

Esther and William adore stories and books

Tilda used to too

I hope that Rainbow Baby will be the same

She has heard many stories being read to her siblings

But she also already has some books of her own

Books that we read just her and me

Books for a Rainbow Baby

Books for our Rainbow Baby

A Rainbow Of My Own by Don Freeman

This is a beautiful book that we all enjoy reading together. This is one of Daddy’s favourites too. A child sees a rainbow and thinks it is so beautiful that they try to catch it. Then they start to imagine what it would be like if a rainbow came along and stayed a while.

rainbow of my own

The illustrations are beautiful simple paintings. I love that you can see the brush strokes among the colours. This is a magical story full of childhood wonder. It is a also a great way to introduce to children the magic of rainbows and why people believe them to be so special. It is a lovely way of telling bump that we cannot wait to have her, a rainbow of our very own.

Someday by Alison McGhee

This is perfect for a mummy of girls. It wraps a child up in love and helps them to understand how much they are loved. How much they are cherished.


As a Mummy this book describes everything I long to be for Esther and Rainbow and all the things I can never be for Baby Matilda Mae.

The simple text and illustrations in this book make my heart ache in good ways and bad. It tells of how a mother is there every step of the way for her daughters and how the mother hopes to be remembered.

Every time I read this book to Esther, to bump, I hope that Tilda can hear me too and know I would have been all of these things for her, know how I longed for all of these things for all of our daughters.

I am looking forward to the day Esther or Rainbow read this book to themselves and understand why I chose it, I am looking forward to the day that they might buy it for a daughter of their own.

This is a love story from a mummy to her daughter and it is wonderfully told.

Someone Came Before You by Pat Schwiebert

This book does not quite fit our family scenario. But the message is right, there was a baby before Rainbow, a baby very much wanted and very much loved, a baby never to be forgotten, even by those who were not here when she came.

The book tells how the baby who came before is now an angel and watches over the family. It tells of how a family might choose to remember the baby that came before.


It is important to me that Rainbow Baby knows all about Matilda Mae. It is important to me that Tilda remains a part of our family. This book is a lovely way of sharing with Bump and Baby that someone special came before but also that they are very special too.

So so special, so wanted and so loved.

When The World Was Waiting For You by Gillian Shields

We have the board book edition of this book and it is beautiful. Also nice and robust so that Esther, William and in the not too distant future can enjoy looking through the pages.

This book tells of the preparations being made for baby. Preparing a room, buying presents and toys. It tells of waiting, lots of waiting, for baby to be born. The beautiful pictures and simple rhyming text are lovely for all the family to enjoy. I love reading this book out loud to Rainbow Baby.

when the world

I love how it describes the earliest days of having baby at home and how the world is still waiting now to see how the baby will blossom and bloom and grow. A beautiful book full of love.

Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You by Nancy Tillman

I love Nancy Tillman books. Love them!

I bought Esther and William On The Night You Were Born for their one month birthday and we still read it all the time now. It has beautiful illustrations and magical, poetic text. It is like a Norse legend, fantasy bedtime tale filled with awe and wonder and sparkle.

All of Nancy Tillman’s books are very special and are written to be read aloud.

Wherever You Are tells of a parents love for their child. It tells of how that love will follow you wherever you go.

The illustrations feature beautiful animals such as bears and giraffes and dolphins.

The text is lyrical, like a lullaby or love song.

wherever you are

This is another story that I can read to each and everyone of my children

I adore them all

And would travel to the end of the Earth for each of them

I love them equally

Every one

Wherever they are, on Earth or in sky

The words mean the same

Stand the same

For each of them

You are my angel
My darling, my star
And my love will find you
Wherever you are

I have been bonding with our Rainbow Baby with the help of these books

Helping her and I know that she is unique

She is special

She is wanted and loved

She is already a huge part of our family

Just like her siblings

All of them

We are a family

And soon

So soon now

We will meet our newest addition

We will be able to hold her

And tell her that we love her

And read her the stories

I am certain that she already knows

growing rainbow

Do you read to your Bump?

What is your favourite book to share with a child you are yet to meet?

6 thoughts on “Growing a Rainbow: Bonding With Baby Through Books

  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful books. I am definitely going to buy sone of these to read to my children. What a wonderful mummy you are xx

  2. I’ve already added some of these books to my little girl’s Amazon wishlist, thank you for sharing.
    Have you read any of Emma Dodd’s books with Esther & William? They’re lovely – simple books, but beautifully illustrated with twinkling silver, star like highlights on each page. “When You Were Born” is a wonderful book for a new baby too…x

  3. I love When the World was Waiting For You. When I read it in the library it made me cry so I had to buy it. Another one I had to buy after welling up in the library was I’ll be There by Ann Stott. It’s not about babies but about how even when your child is getting more grown up you’ll always be there and looking after them. A good one for Esther and William starting school perhaps xxx

  4. Oh they sound like lovely books – and I’ll second the recommendation for Emma Dodd stories; they’re beautiful and lovely and just the thing for reading to a bump or a baby!

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