Joining Up The Dots This Valentine’s Day

Do your children like dot to dots?

I think Esther and William are just at the right age for them.

They can count, they understand numbers and they will understand that if they can link up all the numbers in order then a secret message or picture will be revealed.

Esther will easily be able to do them independently, for William it will be a true test of his pencil control and fine motor skills, making it a valid activity for him to be doing this Valentine’s Day.

Want to join up the dots with your little ones this Valentine’s Day? There are a few to try here.

David and I do not really do Valentine’s Day.

We really really do not do it since Matilda Mae died.

It is just another date to hate.

But perhaps because of that

Because Baby Tilda died

And when she died

I do try to mark the festival of love for our other children

We usually eat something suitably festive

And join together in some messy and sensory play

This year we are more about stories and crafts

And I am planning a Valentine themed train track

In our Tuff Spot

Ready for the start of half term

We have already started our crafting

And sharing stories about love and Valentine’s Day

We will be doing more this weekend

Before starting a week of fairy tales and adventure

As the school holiday begins

The books we have been looking at are …

The Night Before Valentine’s Day by Natasha Wing
This is an American book with an immediately recognisable rhythm. It follows the structure of the world famous The Night Before Christmas. It does not have the same charm or magical air but it does the job of explaining the commercial traditions of Valentine’s Day in an already tried and tested poetic formula. It is a bright and colourful book that my children really enjoy.

The Story of Valentine’s Day by Nancy J Skarmeas
This is a Christian book telling the story of St Valentine. It tells the story of love and kindness in long ago Rome. It explains that on the 14th of February each year we remember St Valentine and send cards to loved ones to celebrate this special day. It also says that as God’s children we should always be kind and love one another.

The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond
This is a very sweet and simple story about making special cards and gifts for special people. It is a story about sharing special things with others. The book has lovely pictures and would be great to read before making cards or any craft with hearts.

Love Monster by Rachel Bright
The story of a funny looking monster, a lonely little monster who is looking for love. It is only when he has given up and decided to head for home that another lovely little love monster falls in love with him. This is a great book for sharing with little people to start a conversation about love. It is also the perfect inspiration for creating love monsters of your own. We are going to be doing this with Play Doh and craft materials such as googly eyes, feathers and pipe cleaners.

I am sure we will introduce them to you once we are done!

This week we have been making love bug glasses with the help of Baker Ross and flowers with heart shaped petals.

Love Bug Glasses from Baker Ross
As a Baker Ross Blogger I am sent a seasonal box of craft materials and activity packs. Our most recent delivery included some foam glasses in Valentine colours and some rather wonderful love bug stickers. I set the materials up as an invitation to play for Esther and William with some Valentine books and a side order of heart shaped snacks.

invitation to play

We actually had great fun just wearing the heart shaped glasses and having a chat while Esther and William ate their snacks.

glass wearers

But we did eventually get to work, making glasses for ourselves and each other. Esther and William also made them for their teachers at school.

love monsters

Baby Bea was not forgotten either. She made an especially lovely little bug.

baby bug

We kept things simple with our glasses activity. We could have decorated the glasses with sequins and feathers and other materials with the help of some PVA glue but we wanted to stick to our love bug theme and keep the sticking easy.

The glasses were a success at home and at school.

Baker Ross, we only have eyes for you!

bug eyes

Heart Flowers

For this Invitation to Play I cut out lots of different coloured sugar paper hearts. I put them into a basket with some small spot stickers, furry pipe cleaners, Pritt Stick and the love bug stickers.

I also made an example flower for Esther to copy.

invite to play

As I thought Esther loved the story and the activity and got stuck straight in. William wandered off to the land of trains!

flower bugs

Esther chose her coloured hearts and carefully stuck them on her page. She then used the pipe cleaners to make leaves and a stem. Lastly she added the love bugs who were collecting nectar for food.

We talked about Valentines gifts and cards and who we might give something special to.

As always Esther’s answer was William.

floral heart

Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower.
Shigenori Kameoka

These heart petaled flowers are so simple to make and would be perfect for sharing as pictures or cards February 14th.

However you are spending Valentine’s Day this year

Whether you celebrate the day or not

I would love to know if your little ones like joining dots?

And also, what is your favourite story about love?

I am going to share a blog post this week with some of mine

Everyone loves a love story


Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
Lord Byron

This post contains a sponsored link for TSB Joint Accounts

The glasses and bug stickers from Baker Ross were supplied free of charge for the purpose of this post

2 thoughts on “Joining Up The Dots This Valentine’s Day

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