A Working Mum?

I have had my longest break from blogging ever

Life has taken over for a while

I have been immersed in teaching

And school life again

It has been wonderful

The summer was busy creating an outside learning space

For my new key stage one classroom

It is still very much a work in progress

The start of September saw me putting the classroom together

Again the work is never done

But I am pleased with the look and feel of our room

And I am almost ready now to tell you more about it

My entry back into teaching has not been easy

A flood damaged classroom

My Teaching Assistant left her position before she really began

And now my job share is leaving too

I am currently working three days

And wondering if I should work all five

I love my children dearly

But I am really really enjoying being back at work

I feel alive again

I feel excited about things again

I think it is a change that I needed

But I do feel bad for Bea

If I do decide to work full time

It would not make too much difference to Esther and William

As they will also be at school full time

The plan would be that I would work from 6.30 – 6.30 on Mondays

6.30 – 4.30 on Tuesdays

12.30 – 5.30 on Wednesdays, giving me one morning home with Bea

And Thursdays and Fridays would be 6.30 – 3.30

I would need to become more organised and efficient than I currently am

I would need to work hard on those early mornings

I would need to be strict with myself about not bringing work home

But if I did that I think that it would work

Esther and William would stay with me after school some days

Bea would have a mix of family, child minder and Daddy care

David would work one weekend day

And we would have the other as a family day

I think we could make it work

I would like to give it a try

I have been a stay at home Mummy for five years

If I am truly honest with myself

I just do not want to do it any more

I want to work

I want to teach

But I do wonder if it might all be too much?

I do wonder if it is fair on Bea?

I do wonder if I have what it takes

To be a working Mum?

I would very much value your thoughts.

raising rainbow big

10 thoughts on “A Working Mum?

  1. Go for it Jennie: if you’re happy, your family will be happy. Many babies/toddlers are in nursery full-time… but it sounds to me if Bea will have a better mix of child-minding than this. Perhaps you could sign up to do full-time till Christmas (or Feb half-term) with an opportunity to review things at October half-term and again at Christmas giving the school half a term to get another job-share in if you felt the need to cut back. Remember: nothing ventured; nothing gained.

  2. I have been waiting for you to tell us how you were getting on. I am glad that you feel you were right to go back and that you are loving it.
    In my opinion (and it is only my opinion) the hours you quote are a big jump. Bea won’t know any different, and will not hold it against you. Esther and William will love having you at school with them.
    Do you feel the School is right for you to go back full time? Will you have a say in your TA? I have a relative in Primary Education and the hours are punishing. You will be tired by the end of a half term, you know that holidays will whizz, plus all the prep and the report writing etc.
    It will provide more financial security, but is that enough of a compromise for what you will give up?
    There will never be a right answer. I am sure you will make the decision which suits your family. You can always change your mind at a later date if it isn’t working how you want it to.
    Good luck, and much love.

  3. I have 4 children, and have worked full time as a primary teacher since the youngest was a year old. Yes, it has been tough, exhausting at times, and there were days when I longed for a bit of time which didn’t revolve around children, mine or other peoples! But I have never felt that the children have suffered. They are growing into confident out going people, who appreciate that there are times that they can’t have 100% attention. If you love it, and feel that you can make a difference, then go for it. As others have said, you can always review your decision later. After the tough few years you have been through, this sounds like something you need to do, something for you.

    • I am just starting my 27th year in Primary teaching. Still love it (mostly!) My girls are now 20 and 18. I taught all the time they were little and they flourished. A mix of child minder,friends and Dad plus me full time all holidays and evenings as my husband taught in the evenings.I was fine with full time pre school but when they started pre school nursery/school I didn’t want to miss out on taking/pick up so went part time for a few years. But if you are teaching in same school then you have that covered! Plus sounds like you are really helping school out so no doubt they will help it all go well…Good luck !!

  4. Hi Jenny. I’ve been wondering how you were getting on. I think that if you want to, then give it a go. Could you increase your hours temporarily (say until Xmas) which gives the school time to find the job share and gives you chance to see how it works.

    The hours will be long and you will feel guilt at times, but the children will be fine. I went to full time work when my girl was 2 and I worried as I had been at home full time before that. But after she got used to it she was fine and didn’t have any problem and has grown into a very confident, happy and loved 5.5 year old.

    If you are happy, your children will be happy. Bea is young and a new routine will quickly become normal for her.

    Glad you are enjoying teaching again. Xx

  5. Hi fellow newbie! So we both made it through the first few weeks! My contract is until Christmas break and then I’ll decide. Can you have a short term/temporary contract?That way you can try it all for size and keep the door open! Be gentle with yourself, life’s a balancing act! Your kids are surrounded by great love and will turn out just fine! Happy Mummy…happy family! Xx

  6. After being at home for the past 2-years, I start a new job next week and feeling similar mixed emotions. On one hand, I need to get out of the house and do something for me again but on the other, it will add another layer of organisation to our lives. It is for 2-days a week but will mean a childminder will have to pick my son up on those days. And don’t get me started on the guilt. I think your heart is telling you to go for it and if later, your heart tells you something else, then you can reassess then. Good luck in your job!

  7. I teach full time and have 2 girls 5 & 3.. I have been back at work since they were both 6months old and don’t think they have suffered at all, they are confident and happy and we make the most of time together….weekends holidays etc..although its relentless….in terms of hours whilst the children are young I found it easier to leave work earlier have time with them and then start work again….that’s tough but has always worked better…..do what makes you happy….and if you can do it temporary then that gives you an option…..xxxxx

  8. You know what Jennie? Whatever you decide your children will be FINE. You are an incredibly mum. Bea is so very lucky to have you as her mummy. Whether you work full time, part time or not at all, she will be a happy, well adjusted, beautiful little soul who will make you proud. I truly believe that as mums we need to not only consider our children’s wishes but our own too, for only then can we properly be the mums we want and need to be. If you feel you will happy and fulfilled in the classroom full time then that absolutely does NOT mean Bea will miss out. It just means she’ll have a different experience, and a very happy, focussed, engaged mummy when you’re with her. For what it’s worth, my own mum went back to work full time as a teacher when I was a mere 6 months and I turned out OK – more than OK! We have a fantastic relationship, I have MANY happy memories and she was (is) a constant role model to me. Plus, you always get the school holidays, which is more than many full time working parents! xxx

  9. It sounds like your new job is wonderful and exactly what you need. I have been a stay at home mum for over two years now and while I’ve appreciated that time I would really like to find some type of work again for the same reasons you’ve mentioned. I think if you really want to go full-time you should do it. I’m sure the kids including Bea will be absolutely fine. You can always change if it doesn’t work out. Good luck 🙂

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