A Day of Rainbow Play

A few weeks ago

Our day started with a question

Can we make a rainbow, Mummy?

We talked about how rainbows are made

We remembered rainbow days

Rainbow weather

And we blew rainbow bubbles

The bubbles reminded me of a book I had been given

For our Rainbow Baby, Bea

Baby Bubbles

Baby Bubbles and the Rainbows

We read the book together

Before beginning some rainbow play

rainbow play

We started our day with Play Doh

We looked at all the different colours

Bea is just beginning to learn colour names at the moment

So she enjoyed shouting them out

people and pictures

We used the Play Doh to make

Patterns and pictures

People and things

Mr Play Doh head was a wonderful success

mr play doh head

Then we decided to experiment with mixing colours

To make new

colour mixing play doh

This involved lots of discussion

Predictions and observations

We made lots of new colours

And we made a rainbow too!

rainbow caterpillars

Esther made a fabulous rainbow caterpillar

William made one too

On his computer

In Scratch

And then programmed it to move

rainbow scratch

Bea wanted to read the Baby Bubbles book again

As we read it through

It gave us our second question for the day

Can we make rainbows in puddles?

Can we make rainbow water and bubbles?

And the answer?

With some food colouring

And some powder paint

Yes we can!

powder paint and bubbles

We filled our water tables

With water and washing up liquid

We stirred up a foamy froth

Then sprinkled on powder paints

In lots of different colours

Rainbow colours

We stirred and mixed

And made rainbow bubbles

As the powder colours sank

The bubbles turned white again

And we had made wonderful rainbow water

rainbow bubble water

Esther, William and Bea

Played with the water for hours

And through their play

They learned so much

Watching them was like watching a well differentiated maths lesson

Only it happened naturally

bea at play

Bea was mastering full and empty

Esther was exploring equal measures

And William was measuring in litres and millilitres

All learning

All making progress in their learning

All evidenced

Through play!


And do you know what we did

After all this learning?

We splashed in the rainbow puddles

Rainbow puddles we had made

And we had a wonderful, wonderful time

I am so very excited that we are now officially

A home educating family

So more of our days

Can be filled with rainbows like these

More of our learning

Will look like this

learning at play

4 thoughts on “A Day of Rainbow Play

  1. That looks amazing and this is so very obviously what you are meant to have done.

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