I Am Ashamed

I am ashamed of myself

The way I act

The way I speak to my children

I know I am doing wrong

But once I get started

I cannot stop myself

I am a monster

It is really hard to write this down

To admit it to myself

Let alone anyone else

But I really can be horrible

Today we are all tired

We have done too much

Stayed out too late

Had too much sun

I am trying so hard to make life good

And in trying so hard I am making it bad

I know I am a good mother at heart

But that good part of me is being eaten alive

By the hurting and the anger

And the loneliness

I adore my children

I do not want to harm them

I do not want to upset them

I want to be kind and gentle

Energetic and funny

All the things a mummy should be

Instead I just feel like I am drowning

Stuck on a merry go round that I cannot get off

And the music is slow and distorted

The lights are flashing out of control

And I just want to scream and cry

Bea screamed so much this morning

As feisty head strong two year olds do

I got so cross that I screamed right back

No words

Just a loud wrenching scream

I think my children hate me

They have never said that they do

But I would hate me if I were them

They are so loving to me

Always wanting huggles

I do not deserve them

Bea is very challenging at the moment

She has a temper

She knows what she wants

She is everything a strong minded two year old should be

I know how to handle tantrums and toddler behaviour

So why can I not stay calm?

Why am I so easily aggravated and irritated?

Why do I lose control?

William is also testing us at the moment

He does not mean to

He is not naughty

He is just William

He is so loud

So repetitive

Makes silly noises

Speaks in silly voices

He is very intense

ALL of the time

And together with Esther

They are just crazy

Just writing this

I am already feeling silly

I know how amazing my children are

I know that William has his issues

I know Bea is perfecting the terrible two tantrums

I know that Esther is watching us all

And taking it all in

Life is really hard at the moment

And I am not coping well

Today has been a very bad day

At the end of a spell of bad days

I sometimes wonder if I am properly losing my sanity

Properly losing my mind

I really do not want to do that

I want to go home

I want our house back

I want my husband back

I want things to feel familiar again

At the moment every thing feels detached and strange

I want our garden

I want our space

I am tired

I want someone to look after me for a while

And give me the strength I need

To be a good mummy to my children

The mummy I so desperately want to be

So that I can feel proud of myself

Instead of ashamed

coordinated clan

10 thoughts on “I Am Ashamed

  1. Please try to be kind to yourself lovely Jennie. You have three energetic children to care for, while grieving for one too. And you’re not in your own home which is extra stress. Sending lots of love. Has your counselling referral come through yet? XXXX

  2. At the end of each day as you tick them into bed, just ask them. Their favourite part of the day. Ask and be ready to be surprised by their answers. Your children don’t hate you Jenny. I don’t think you’re too keen on yourself, but those babies love you. X

  3. You are not alone. I have screamed at my kids when things have got too much. I have shouted, stomped, ranted and cried. I’m human and nobody is perfect. I try my very best to learn from these experiences and be the best Mum I can be. And despite my being a bit dramatic at times my children do love me – as well as the above things we laugh, smile, go out together and are kind to each other. We all have our moments and you are going through so much. Just take it steady and have the occassional quiet day when it is needed. Xxx

  4. I think you are too hard on yourself Jenny. I don’t think for one minute your children hate you, I think you find it hard to accept other people’s love and admiration for you. You’ve been through so so much (understatement!). I still 100% think your children are so very very lucky to have you as their mother, despite the terrible tragedy that has blighted your lives. You are a wonderful mother who brings so much magic and joy into their lives. We all have days, weeks, moments that we are not proud of as mothers, we get it wrong, lose our tempers and feel ashamed. It’s normal, we are only human. I find the things that help me are to practise mindfulness/yoga/mediation and live in the present rather than in my head. If you are living in your head when you are with your children and dwelling on negative thoughts then that is draining, exhausting, distracting and harmful to your mental health. I also try and move on from things, I used to think ‘the day is spoiled because I’ve shouted/lost my temper or whatever’. But each minute, each second is a chance to start again, a quick hug, some happy music playing, an apology or a ‘let’s dance/eat biscuits/go outside/snuggle up and put a film on’ can change things from good to bad in a moment. You’ve got this Jenny, and things will be so much easier once you are make in your own home xxx

    • Well said Gill. I agree. GP’s don’t prescribe medication for no reason. Jennie, I hope you listen to your GP who is just trying to help you.

  5. I could have written this.I only have 2 children…5 and 8.I have not lost a child,nor am I dealing with a 2 year old toddler.It is the end of the summer.The children need to go back to school.I think it’s pretty normal to feel like this xx

  6. We’ve all been there at times Jennie. I really questioned myself a few years back about my anger issues and trying to control it but the kids getting older and me putting less pressure on myself has made such a difference. At the heart of it you adore your kids and you are still grieving for your Tilda, be gentle to yourself lovely lady. Mich xx

  7. Hello. I’m sorry you’re questioning your sanity, I’ve been there and it sucks. If you want someone try and help you figure it if the sanity is still there drop me an email.

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