Beauty and the Bump

In a little over one week from now

It is highly likely that I will have a baby

It is also highly likely that I will still have a baby bump

A bump that I am most certain will remain with me for much of the summer

This is baby number 5

I never really lost my bump from having Bea

So I reckon that this Sprinkle bump will stick around for a while

And I am happy with that

I am not too worried about losing weight

Or getting back to my pre baby shape

I have not been without a bump, baby or breastfeeding

For almost 8 years

And before that I was going through IVF

I reckon my body was last worth looking at

About 10 years ago

When I first met David

I am planning to get fit and tone up post baby

Our last baby

But I am not in any major hurry to do so

What I would like to do though

Is to make the most of what I have

Summer is a time for getting out and about

Meeting family and friends

Enjoying adventures with my children

I would like to feel good about myself while doing all those things

I do not want to be a beast

I want to be a beauty

Even with a bump

Beauty and the bump!


This is how I plan to make the most of myself

Over the coming weeks and months

Keep my eyebrows in shape
I do not wear make up. I haven’t for years. I do like myself in make up but I am not very good at it and do not feel most days that I really need it. I am lucky that most of the time my skin is clear, if a little freckly in the summer. What makes me feel good about myself is keeping my eyebrows tidy and accentuating their natural shape. I have a lovely lady who threads my eyebrows for me and I try to see her every 6 weeks. It makes me feel confident and I know that it changes my whole face having shaped, tidy brows.


Gloss my lips
All through this pregnancy I have had cracked, dry lips. I often buy a lip balm but then promptly lose it. I need to invest in a conditioning lip balm perhaps with just a hint of colour to see me through the summer. Soemthing that will keep my lips moist and smooth and perhaps accentuate them just a little. I really like the shape of my lips and should make more of them I think.

I love the sound of this Weleda Tinted Lip Balm


Cover my greys
I dye my hair myself every couple of months with a darkest brown permanent dye. Every time the roots regrow they are more grey than before. I love having dark shiny hair and so keeping up with the dye job is a must for me.

Invest in my hair
I do not spend much money on my hair at the moment. I do not own a hairdryer and I do not use any styling products. I tend to use whatever brand of shampoo and conditioner is on offer. I think as a treat for me in the fourth trimester I am going to invest in a nourishing shampoo and conditioner to make the most of my coloured hair.

Buy a decent mascara
On the very rare occasion that I wear any make up at all, it is a touch of mascara. I do not have a particular brand. I am fair skinned but with dark eyes and very dark hair so tend to wear black mascara, and always waterproof. I need a new one for the summer and I am wondering about trying out a warmer, perhaps brown colour. Something to accentuate my eyes and eyelashes without really looking like make up. I do like a natural look.

Develop a daily facial cleansing routine
I currently have no skin care routine at all. I sometimes wash my face in the shower with more than water but not very often. I blame lack of time but also a lack of knowledge. What should I be washing with? What should I be using on my post 40 face? I would love a simple routine that allows a few minutes each day for me that also leave me fresh faced and clear skinned. I think as I get older and my children get older I should place more importance on carving out some time each day to take care of me.

Colour my limbs
This summer, my first post 40, post tiny human growing summer I think that a flash of colour on my skin would not be out of line. Just a hint of a tan, a sheen, a shine, a sparkle. Some definition to my arms and legs. A little less white a little more tan. I have never used tanning products in my life but wonder if this summer might be time to experiment with either a salon visit or most likely a home spray tanning kit. I think my chances of seeing any sunshine this summer are fairly slim so I might be tempted to give my skin a helping hand.

What do you do to make the most of you?

What products do you use to enhance what nature gave you?

What would you recommend I do this summer to make the most of me?

This is a collaborative post.

8 thoughts on “Beauty and the Bump

  1. For the mascara, might I suggest Boots Natural range? They have a lovely brown.
    I don’t often wear make up but I dye my hair bright pink so I’m not sure I can claim that’s embracing a natural look!!

    • Hello x I did not really know about it til searching yesterday. I have bought Calendula hair and bodywash already for hospital bag but did not know about lip balm. Weleda are amazing! I was searching the website for a face wash but could not find one x

  2. I love the title of your post! Thanks for sharing your insights with us. I always think that being a mother is already being the most beautiful thing in the world. Congratulations to you! I love the choices you made for the makeup here in your post. I especially like Weleda lip balm. They are natural products so I really recommend them too. By the way, do you think wearing nude colors is good when pregnant?

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