Why You Should Consider Underfloor Heating This Winter

As we progress slowly but surely into winter, there’s no doubt that many of us are dreading the impending chill. In the midst of the frosty British winter, it can be hard to not feel the bitter cold even when you’re inside your own home. This is especially true if your home doesn’t have an efficient heating system or the proper insulation.

There are of course plenty of ways in which you can combat a drafty home, There are a number of efficient heating and insulation methods available at affordable prices these days. And new technology and innovation means that more cost-effective and efficient heating systems keep being produced,

In this article, we’ll be talking about the benefits of underfloor heating specifically, and how it is definitely an investment worth considering this winter.

First things first, what is underfloor heating?

An underfloor heating system has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last year years. It is installed in your home by professionals using underfloor heating trade supplies. Once installed, your floor will emit heat into your room upwards, distributing the heat evenly across the room.

There are two types of underfloor heating systems – water based or electric. Both have the same benefits, just a different means of emission.


How is underfloor heating better than a radiator system?

There’s no denying that a warm floor under our cold feet can feel great, especially as we come in from the cold on those chilly winter nights. But other than that, what are the main benefits of this system?

Below are the main reasons why you should seriously consider investing in underfloor heating:

With wall radiators, you are advised not to place any large items in front of them. Anything placed directly in front tends to absorb any heat they are emitting. It can be difficult to find a spot in your room to place wall radiators where they won’t be obstructed by a piece of furniture. If you have underfloor heating, you won’t face this issue of obstruction.

Underfloor heating has the advantage of being more aesthetically pleasing in a room than wall radiators. Radiators can look somewhat clunky and ruin the look of a carefully decorated room. By installing underfloor heating instead of wall radiators, you will also have more wall space available for furniture or paintings.

For those who are worried about the financial investment that they need to make for underfloor heating, you may be surprised to find that it actually works out as being more cost-effective in the long term. Underfloor heating requires very little maintenance once it has been installed. It can also be a more energy efficient option than traditional heating. You should see the monthly savings in your utility bills.

Radiators can get dirty much more easily as they gather dust quickly. They are often placed in inaccessible places behind furniture and aren’t the easiest to clean. With underfloor heating, you won’t have this issue, as floors are straightforward to clean.

Underfloor heating systems emit their warmth more evenly so that the entire room is heated effectively. With radiators, it is often warm primarily in the corner of the room they are positioned in. The distribution of heat is not as evenly spread, which means you may find yourself huddling over the radiator at times.

Underfloor heating also leads to floors drying quicker, which is handy if you have it installed in your bathroom or kitchen.

Underfloor heating systems can be a surprising in-house solution to dust allergies. When radiators emit hot air, dust mites are circulated distribute air around the room, this can irritate those who suffer from allergies and also be a trigger for asthma. The even distribution and lack of air movement with underfloor heating prevents this from happening.

Make your home as warm as it can be this winter with underfloor heating. Just picture how lovely it is going to be when you wake up, walk across your normally cold wooden floor, into your tiled bathroom without your feet aren’t scrambling for the slippers before a toe touches the floor.


Underfloor Heating Trade Supplies provide dry and wet underfloor heating systems to effectively warm your home. We install the systems quickly and efficiently. To find out more visit their website or call today.

This is a collaborative post

7 thoughts on “Why You Should Consider Underfloor Heating This Winter

  1. Hi could we have more information on ‘collberative posts’ is it a paid review / discount for your own home? How does it work?

    Lovely blog as always xx

    • Hello, I got paid £30 to host the post, about £27 after Paypal fees x The heating we have in our home we paid for and my husband completed our home renovations himself with professional help as needed. I do disclose my product reviews as reviews. This is a collaborative post.

  2. That’s cool that an underfloor heating passes warm water under your floors to heat your home. That must help your home be more efficient in comparison to traditional HVAC. My wife and I really want a green home, so we’re considering under tile heating if it’s more efficient.

  3. Home insulation will reduce your energy bills and the costs of cooling and heating your home.Adding home insulation to an existing home will also increase sound control. Insulation creates a sound barrier, keeping unwanted sounds out and protecting your privacy by keeping the sounds from inside your home from being audible outside. Insulating your home also creates a moisture barrier, keeping unwanted moisture out of your house.

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