What Do You See When You Look At A Tree?

“Have you ever curled up
With a tree in your hands
As stories or songs in a book?

Have you read till the moon
And the stars filled the sky
As you sat in a cosy old nook?”

My favourite words from this beautiful book
About the beauty and majesty of trees
About their majesty
Their wisdom
Their power to make us feel

How do trees make you feel?
What Do You See When You Look At A Tree?

This stunning book is a beautifully illustrated
Lyrical ode to the awe and wonder of trees
Through a series of questions
Little readers and their grown ups
Are invited to share their thoughts and feelings
About trees

Do you just see leaves and twigs and branches
Or do you see more
A living thing that moves and breathes and dances
A home for many creatures
A thing to climb
A place to shelter
Somewhere to play

When you look at a tree do you wonder
What has the tree seen over the years?
Who else has climbed the boughs?
Lived among the roots
Feasted on its fruits?

This book celebrates trees
How they look
How they serve the Earth
How they feed and shelter
So many other living things
Their beauty
Their history

This book questions us
Makes us think
Do trees feel?
Do they have thoughts?
Can they remember?

There is so much beauty in the pages of this book
It is solemn and I find it incredibly moving
It would make a wonderful gift for anyone
Who loves trees and forests and being outside

This is a book that invites us to slow down
Asks us to step outside and stop for a moment
Through forests and trees it shows us that passing of time
Emma Carlisle shows us how we are similar to trees
And how our lives can benefit
If we become more like a tree
If we spend more time outside
Not just looking
But really noticing the magic of nature
The awe and wonder of the world around us

This book has been designed to encourage
Children and their grown ups
To connect with the world around them
This book can help families
And education settings
To foster a lifelong love of nature

Starting with a seemingly simple question
What Do You See When You Look At A Tree?

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