Is Boarding School The Right Choice For My Child? #ad

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When choosing a school for your child there are a number of factors to consider and the decision of whether to send them to a boarding school is one of them. As opposed to a normal day school, boarding schools offer a unique experience whereby students can live and study on campus and fully immerse themselves into school life. They have the opportunity to live alongside their peers and gain independence. While children thrive from the experience, it is not a choice made by all. As you can imagine it can be hard for some children to live separate from their family unit. In this post we share a little more information on boarding schools and their benefits to help you decide whether one is right for your child.

Following on from the point made earlier, children are able to live independently from their families which can be an eye-opening experience. It can provide preparation for the future when they move away from home as they will already know how to take care of themselves.

Smaller Class Sizes
In many boarding school class sizes tend to be small. This of course means that your child will receive a higher level of support and attention from their teachers which can only be a good thing where their education is concerned.

Strong Family Ties
While it appears to be an oxymoron, living away from home can actually help to bring you closer as a family. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Being away from home for short periods of time can help children to value their relationships more, like with their siblings and yourself.

Passionate Teachers
Boarding schools also attract passionate teachers who are enthusiastic about making a difference to the lives of their pupils as they will both be living and teaching on campus.

Extra-Curricular Activities
There are a whole host of extra-curricular activities that your child will be able to participate in. They will allow them to enrich their learning and cultivate new skills, which help them to stand out from their peers.

Points to Consider
The only real thing to consider is how your child will cope with the change of environment and not having you there for support. Boarding schools offer excellent pastoral care and as with any school, safeguarding is their utmost priority. You can rest assured that they will be in safe hands but if it’s an idea that your child’s not comfortable with, they may be better suited to an ordinary day school.

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