How to Encourage Your Child to Be Physically Active #ad

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Children between the ages of 6 and 17 are recommended to engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise daily. It has many great benefits as it helps them develop their gross motor skills, stay fit and offset health risks and develop healthy habits for the future. However, children aren’t getting enough of it. If you’re a parent facing a similar struggle, below are top tips shared by an independent day school.

Be a Good Role Model
Children look up to their parents, so it’s vital that you set a good example and also live by the lessons you’re trying to teach. So, as well as pushing your child to be more active, make an effort yourself.

Make it Fun
To get your child more physically active, look for ways to make exercise appealing to them so that it’s something that they actually want to do as opposed to something that they must. There are lots of games that you can introduce them to, such as rounders, football, and interactive games that they can play on their devices like the Nintendo Switch. It doesn’t need to be exhausting either, walking is an easy and simple way to get more exercise done without over-exerting yourself.

Walk to School
To continue on the theme of walking, the journey to school is a good way to fit in some more steps as it’s a journey that you will make twice a day Monday to Friday. If time’s your concern and driving’s your only alternative, try parking a little further away from the school gates so that you have a distance to walk.

Look at Ways to Motivate Them
Exercise is quite cool. It allows you to get physically stronger which can be appealing and a source of motivation for children. There are lots of inspirational athletes that you may choose to look at.

The Importance of Exercise
You can also explore why exercise is so important. In the grand scheme of things exercise improves our quality of life. It improves brain health, allows us to maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of disease such as type 2 diabetes and various forms of cancer, and strengthens bones and muscles.

Sports Clubs
There are lots of different sports clubs that children can join both in and outside of school. They are an excellent way for children to make friends and make exercise a part of their routine.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand. To accommodate high energy sports and how physically demanding exercise can be, it’s important that children have the right diet.

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