Why Are Songs & Nursery Rhymes Crucial for Toddlers? #ad

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In all speech development children will pick up a variety of songs, poems and rhymes that can be easy to remember and use in real life situations. These all have a myriad of benefits that will give children the confidence to continue their development. Here are some reasons why songs and nursery rhymes are so important, which this day nursery in Chelsea highlights.

Teaches children about rhythm
The clue is in the name with nursery rhymes – they are about getting children to follow the beat and listen to hear what could come up next. The continued repeat of the song can help children learn about what’s involved in singing and how they can enjoy the impact a song can have on their wellbeing.

Rhythm is important for a lot of things early on in child development. As they are picking up their language skills and learning about pronunciation of words, a nursery rhyme will be at their level. This can improve further over time as they pick up words and phrases.

Helps a child’s literacy development
With all the words they’ll be singing and dancing about they will find that a lot of their development comes from songs and rhymes. To better help your child through developing vocabulary and picking up new words to learn. Speech skills improve slowly over time as well, which can give your child the confidence to pick up the sounds needed to say different words.

Of course this makes literacy development a whole lot easier. The words and phrases we all use today are thanks to the many songs and rhymes we would have been taught in nursery school and beyond.

Aids physical development
With all the fidgets and squirming toddlers do, a rhyme will be a good way of helping children develop their skills from a physical perspective. There’s lots of clapping, dancing and play time to enjoy when using songs and rhymes to further your child’s thinking. And it will help other areas of their development too, such as their coordination skills, fine motor skills and gross motor skills.

Develops other core skills
From numeracy, in rhymes that encourage children to count, to learning about the world with different cultural themes and ways to benefit everyone in the home. Songs and rhymes have a lot of important purposes that will see children developing a lot more than just their speech and cognitive skills. You will often find lots of different songs that can be used in classes to teach children how to count, use times tables, or learn about a new concept.

Nursery rhymes are great for children to explore at a young age. It’s why many children enjoy singing and dancing for years to come. Try some different rhymes today to see which ones your child enjoys.

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